6 Simple Tips for Potty Training Your Puppy
Guest Blogger: Julie Page
Potty training your puppy doesn’t have to be the nightmare you may have imagined it to be. Bringing home a puppy is such a special and happy occasion, and there is no reason why this joy shouldn’t continue as you are house-training your puppy.
While you are [amazon_textlink asin=’1520547226′ text=’potty training your puppy’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c217c6dc-3585-11e7-88e6-41c1dab745f6′] you will need two things: patience and persistence. These will be key as to how successful training your puppy will be.

6 simple tips on potty training your puppy:
1. Never punish your puppy for having accidents
Remember, they are just starting to learn and it will take time. Your patience here is essential. There will be accidents, but after you’ve successfully trained your puppy, the rewards will be high. If your puppy happens to have a little accident, don’t punish or yell at him. Instead, just clap your hands gently, pick up your puppy, and carry them outside into the garden. Remember to give lots of praise once your puppy has been to the toilet outside.
2. Don’t rush your puppy
Ideally your puppy should be potty trained by the time he’s 6 months old. However, it’s important to never rush your puppy with this. It will happen when it happens. When you start rushing things, that’s when problems could develop, and you don’t want this to happen. Some puppies can take as long as a year to be fully house-trained. So don’t panic if training is going slower than you thought it would. This is where your patience is needed.
3. Don’t use newspapers when potty training your puppy
Using newspapers in the house is a complete disaster, and really shouldn’t be used at all. Newspaper will only lengthen the potty-training process and your puppy will be encouraged to keep on going to the toilet indoors rather than heading outside. Your puppy needs to develop a routine of sleeping, playing and feeding.
4. Keep to a routine
It’s important to set up a routine after eating, sleeping, and playing. You should take your puppy outside after each of these three, especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. While you are outside with your puppy give him a command, for instance, shout, “Come on, quick, quick.” and then once your puppy has done its business, give lots and lots of praise and encouragement.

5. Always go outside with your puppy
It’s so very important that while you are in the process of potty training your puppy that you stay outside with them. Otherwise, your puppy won’t know if he has done well by relieving himself outdoors. Your praise is key to your puppy knowing that they are doing great by going to the toilet outside. Even if it’s pouring rain or blowing a gale, you must still go outside with your puppy (sorry), but just think of the satisfaction you’ll have knowing you have potty-trained your puppy very well.
5 Common Potty Training Mistakes to Avoid
6. Use puppy training aids
There are many great indoor and outdoor training aids that you can buy. For instance, indoor crates, pee posts and also puppy pads. Indoor crates are ideal for nighttime use. You can use them in the bedroom so you can keep a close eye on your puppy. That way, you’ll be able to hear your puppy if he is crying to go outside. If the worst happens and your puppy has an accident inside the crate, it won’t cause much damage, as you can line the crate with a puppy pad.
Puppy pads have a special scent on them that will encourage your puppy to go to the toilet on the pad and not the floor. They are ideal to use in crates, or in the back of your car, or anywhere where there may be little accidents.
A pee post is great for trying to encourage your puppy to go to the toilet in a certain area of your garden. What you have to do is take your puppy to the pee post so they can see it, and from then on always take your puppy to the pee post every time they want to go to the toilet. Remember once the deed is done to give lots of praise to your puppy.

The final result, what you’ve been waiting for!
By following each of these tips, potty training your puppy should run smoothly, and you and your puppy will be much happier once you have both cracked it. The rewards of training your puppy are worth the wait, you’ll have the satisfaction of completing a job well done, your puppy will be fully house trained and ready for anything. Happy house-trained puppy, happy owner, happy days!
So potty training your puppy doesn’t have to be difficult. Just remember, persistence and patience are all you’ll need to achieve success. Good Luck!
Guest Author Bio
Julie Page first grew to love writing about pets and the pet industry in 2012 while writing a dog travel journal for a Canadian-based company. Julie then discovered a lack of informative dog name websites when researching puppy names for boys which fueled her passion even more. Julie founded two quality sites www.femaledognames.net and www.maledognames.net .When Julie isn’t writing she is on an adventure, or at the very least, is plotting her next one.
6 Simple Tips for Potty Training Your Puppy Share on X
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These are good tips to potty train a puppy, and of course, we should do it as a regular schedule for your puppy used to pee themselves to the toilet outside his crate..
Hello again, Jay. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a puppy – 15 years or so. I remember how frustrating it could be if you were inexperienced in training a dog. I hope this article will be a help to someone. Thanks for stopping by!
Do you have any advice for how to deter a puppy from peeing when they’re excited? One of my pups used to get so excited when I came home that he’d sprinkle little pee dots all over the house because he couldn’t contain his excitement. Even when he had JUST gone outside (the fuel tank was empty), he’d muster a few little drops of pee when he got excited. He finally grew out of it, but i’m just curious if you have any advice about training the over excited peeing pup? Or if this is just normal for some dogs.
Thanks and great post!
Hi Jake. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t. I’ve never had to deal with this issue, personally. I’m glad your pup grew out of it. It must have been frustrating. Take care!
Those great tips for puppy potty training. I always gave my pups a small treat after going to the bathroom outside.
Puppy pads were a blessing on days I felt to bad to move. As the puppy learned what the pads were for.
He was a quick learner.
Sounds like you did a great job training your pup, Sandy. Bravo!
Great post by Julie! I had no idea puppy pads had a special scent and I love the idea of the pee post. One thing I did with Haley was to use a command every time she peed, then I gave her lots of praise. The command comes in handy anytime I need her to go quickly, like when traveling.
Hey, Elaine! I’m glad you stopped by. Actually, I had no idea puppy pads had a special scent either, and I love the idea of the pee post too. It’s been 15 years and more since I had to train a puppy. This post has such good ideas and tips to go by. That’s a good idea you had about using a command with your pup. I’ll bet it’s come in handy. Thanks you!
Thanks Elaine, Potty training can be a demanding time so i have tried hard to focus peoples effort to the items with the quickest reward. Dogs so love positive reinforcement and too much negative feedback to your dog can damage your relationship.. Have a great day.
This was shared right to Facebook for my dog loving friends. (and there are a lot of them.)