Visiting Amboseli National Park in Kenya
Explore a breathtaking safari adventure through Amboseli National Park and the Masai Mara with unforgettable moments like a hot air balloon ride, cheetah sightings, and cultural visits.
My major passion is animal welfare, and a very large part of that is Endangered Wildlife. It’s a subject that everybody should be aware of.
Explore a breathtaking safari adventure through Amboseli National Park and the Masai Mara with unforgettable moments like a hot air balloon ride, cheetah sightings, and cultural visits.
Lizards are fascinating animals and make great pets. Not many people are familiar with how to care for them, though. If you’re in the market for a new scaly friend, you may be wondering: What do baby lizards eat? Lizards fall into four main categories: insectivores, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. The species of lizard your … Read more
If you notice your bearded dragon sitting around with its mouth open, no, they aren’t mimicking a Venus fly trap. Similarly, if they start opening their mouth regularly, they aren’t trying to have a conversation with you. So, what are they doing when they open their mouth? Read on to understand the six main reasons … Read more
Hopefully, when you took your new bearded dragon home, the breeder or seller provided you with documentation that included important information such as your beardie’s date of birth or parentage. But if you adopt a beardie from a friend or a shelter, you may not have access to this information. While a vet should be … Read more
You probably don’t want to wait until your bearded dragon starts laying eggs or climbing the walls during mating season to know whether you have a male or a female beardie on your hands. While both look very similar, there are a few simple ways to determine the gender of a bearded dragon. In this … Read more
Many new bearded dragon pet parents are curious whether their beardies are nocturnal and will spend the evening scuttling about their habitat. But bearded dragons are actually diurnal animals, which means they are active during the day and sleep at night. This is good news, as it means they should be active at the same … Read more
Affectionate and relatively easy to care for, bearded dragons make great reptile pets. But one of the biggest challenges when it comes to raising a beardie is to get their diet right. How often should you be feeding your bearded dragon for optimal health, and what exactly should (and should not) be on their menu? … Read more
If you’re a reptile lover and considering buying or adopting one to bring home, you should be considering a bearded dragon. As well as being relatively easy reptiles to care for, they’re affectionate and will often bond with their people. They have a tendency to snuggle and treat you as a climbing post. But how … Read more
Australia is a country that is rightly proud of its incredible wildlife. It’s a country with so many species that are uniquely Australian, with more than 84% of its mammals, inshore fish, and flowering plants found only there. However, the modern world is doing the same kind of damage to Australia’s wildlife that it is … Read more
Invite Beneficial Bats To Patrol Your Garden According to the World Health Organization, the mosquito is the greatest menace among all disease-transmitting insects. Mosquitoes not only spread yellow fever, dengue, and malaria but are also the reason for millions of deaths worldwide. As such, for bringing the population of mosquitoes down, bats could prove to … Read more