Symptoms of Toxic Exposure in Cats, What are the Signs?

Signs and Symptoms of Toxic Exposure in Cats

If you have a cat – especially one that never goes outdoors – you may not give much thought to the dangers that lawn chemicals can pose for your feline companion. But if you, your homeowner’s association, or your neighbors use fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals in your yard, your kitty may be exposed to these toxic agents in ways you never even considered. Recognizing the symptoms of toxic exposure in cats may be the difference between life and death.

Learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of toxic exposure in cats may mean the difference between life and death of your feline companion.

Obviously, if your cat spends some or most of her time outside (which I don’t recommend for the sake of her safety and health), there’s a good chance she’ll absorb lawn chemicals through her paws, or ingest them when she grooms or nibbles grass or other outdoor plants.

But there’s another way your cat can be exposed even if she never steps foot outside. The potentially toxic chemicals found in lawn fertilizers and pesticides come indoors on the shoes of humans and the paws and coats of dogs. Common chemicals found in herbicides, including 2,4-D and dicamba, are easily tracked indoors where they contaminate the air and surfaces inside your home, exposing your kitty to dangerously high levels of these toxins.

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Symptoms of Lawn Chemical Poisoning

Signs of toxic exposure in your cat to poisonous lawn chemicals may include drooling, tearing of the eyes, excessive urination, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness, muscle twitching, difficulty breathing, unsteady gait, and collapse.

However, cats exposed to toxic chemicals may not exhibit obvious signs of poisoning, and in fact, sometimes insecticides cause the opposite of the listed symptoms, but there is usually some indication the cat is not well. If you suspect exposure to insecticides in your kitty, you should remove him from the toxic environment and seek medical (Click Here to Read More)


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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too

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Jeanne Melanson
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1 thought on “Symptoms of Toxic Exposure in Cats, What are the Signs?”

  1. This is a good resource!
    My cats are both indoor/outdoor and one has suffered from severe allergies before. To be honest, I had never really thought of the chemicals in the lawn or anything like that to be affecting them – thanks for shedding light on this and sharing your resources!


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