Strange Sea Creatures, Shores of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland

Strange Sea Creatures Found

Scientists Puzzled

Being from Nova Scotia, the thought of finding strange sea creatures along the shores of the Atlantic intrigues me, as long as they pose no threat to anyone or anything, of course.

During the fall and winter, fishermen have been finding these jelly-like creatures in lobster traps, and others have reported seeing them on the beaches.

The strange sea creatures are called, “salps.” They are gelatinous, mostly transparent, and have long, cylindrical, hollow bodies.

Salp, Strange Sea Creature, Nova Scotia

They resemble jellyfish, but are actually classed as tunicates. They feed on phytoplankton by pumping water through their bodies and are more closely related to vertebrates.

Salps are the fastest-growing multi-cellular animals in the world. Some species can grow as fast as 10 per cent of their body length each hour.  Some of the salps being found are the size of a human hand.

In ecosystems where they are common, salps vary in diameters from a few millimetres at birth and to about 10 centimetres.

The question is whether the salps are an invasive species, due to climate change and scientists don’t know what is controlling the salp blooms in the region.

DFO communications manager David Jennings says:

Our scientists would be very open to getting more information on ongoing observations of salps in the lobster fishery and elsewhere. Those observations can provide useful ancillary information for us to understand what’s happening in the shelf ecosystem in our region.

Meanwhile, the public is being asked to come forward if they have kept any specimens or have any information about these strange sea creatures. If you have salps catches to report, email

Salp, Strange Sea Creatures
Salp” by Lars Plougmann from London, United Kingdom – Salp, influencers on the planet’s climate – P1040203. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Sources: The Weather Network and CBC News


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Jeanne Melanson


Jeanne Melanson
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13 thoughts on “Strange Sea Creatures, Shores of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland”

  1. I did not know that these creatures existed, thank you for sharing the info.They look like invisible aliens from another planet.I love how they reduce CO2 and link together in colonies.

    • They’re so interesting, aren’t they Judy? The oceans hold such vast mysteries. I’ve seen a lot of jellyfish, since I originally come from Nova Scotia, but never one like this. Thanks for checking out my post and commenting too! 🙂

  2. I don’t think I’d want to touch that it looks gross. But it’s very intriguing how climate is changing the world and the creatures in it.

    • I’m not sure I’d want to pick it up either, Kevin. Maybe with a glove on. I grew up in Nova Scotia, so jellyfish and the like were always around, but I still didn’t like them much. Thanks for visiting my site today! Come back again!

  3. why is he touching that. That looks like gelatin. I bet it would feel gross.but it is intriguing how climate is changing the world

  4. Wow these unique interesting sea creatures are awesome. I love love love learning about things I never knew about. The sea pig is pretty wild too:)

    • If you love learning about new animals, then I think you’ve come to the right place. I love learning about them too, and then sharing my discoveries with my readers. The odder, weirder, stranger, eww-ier the better! 🙂

    • Wow, indeed! Aren’t they amazing? The ocean is full of such wonder. I grew up on the Atlantic Ocean (was actually born across the road from it) so I’ve always been fascinated by what comes out of it. Thanks for your comment! Off to visit your site now.


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