5 Impressive Services Dogs Can Do That You May Not Know

5 Services Dogs Can Do

(Did you know?)

Although dogs do numerous services for and with their human counterparts, there is a lot that we keep learning about these keen and intuitive animals. Dogs not only have an incredible sense of smell but they can also be special friends, a factor that makes it easy for them to become members of our families. However, with proper training, I present here are at least five other services dogs can do that you may not have thought possible. With their unique characteristics, these canines can do amazing things.

5 Services Dogs Can do That You May Not be Aware of

Therapy Service

With a little training, the animals can spread their dog love, helping to boost your mood and make you feel better. Trained therapy dogs can bring joy to sick children in hospitals, comfort people with disabilities, offer companionship to the elderly and help to give you renewed energy when you have had a bad day.

Termite Detection

Canines can also be trained to use their sense of smell to detect termites in your home. Research and experience show that dogs can detect termites with a high degree of accuracy; this means that man’s best friend can help you to identify termite infestation and eliminate the pests before they can cause damage to your property.

Related: 12 Misconceptions About Service Dogs Clarified

Detecting Diseases

One of the services dogs can do is detect diseases. The animals can be trained to pick up the unique smell of cancer cells, low blood sugar for people with diabetes, an impending seizure attack, and possible allergic reactions. When they predict these diseases and alert you promptly, they allow you to react accordingly. The importance of this is that they can help to keep you safe as well as save your life.

Cyber Crime

There is no doubt that cybercrime has become a major concern around the world. The good news is that dogs can be trained to help find any evidence that pornographers and cyber criminals may attempt to hide. Specially trained canines can use their sense of smell to go through hard drives and digital devices to find such evidence.

Related: Differences Between Service Dogs and Assistance Dogs

Household Assistance

Dogs can not only help their human counterparts to get dressed and undressed but also guide the blind. Trained dogs can act as loyal guides, helping those with a visual disability to avoid obstacles, stay away from danger, take money from a cashpoint and be safe.

With these excellent services dogs can do for humans, it is no surprise that they are man’s best friend. They can not only alert you of impending danger but also save your life.


Dixie Somers“5 Impressive Services Dogs Can Do That You May Not Know”

Author Bio: Dixie Somers (see Bio below)

Animal Bliss is a really cool blog about animals, both domestic pets and wildlife too

5 Impressive Services Dogs Can Do That You May Not Know Share on X

Animal Bliss is a really cool blog about animals, both domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too

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Dixie Somers

6 thoughts on “5 Impressive Services Dogs Can Do That You May Not Know”

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