Safe and Fun Halloween for Your Dog
Trick-or-treating kids dressed up as ghouls and the like will be knocking on your door on Halloween, eager for you to give out handfuls of candy. Your dog, on the other hand, is likely to get anxious due to all the extra activity. So, how do you make sure the kids walk away satisfied while making sure your dog has doesn’t freak out over the constant parade of dressed-up strangers coming to your house? A tricky prospect, that. The following lists seven precautions you can take to ensure a safe and fun Halloween for your dog.

1. Treats are Not for Canine Tummies
Candied treats are terrible food for dogs to eat. Not that you didn’t know this, but in the event they’re placed in easy-to-reach spots around the home, you want to be very careful that they remain out of bounds for your dog. Chocolate is especially toxic to canine animals.
2. Tether or Crate your Dog
If your dog is easily excitable or aggressive and tends to run out the front door when you open it, consider keeping your dog in your bedroom or tethered in the backyard while trick-or-treaters are stopping by. All the extra activity will make him nervous and may cause him to bark incessantly, which can spook a visiting kid if he’s allowed to stay near the front door. So, crate your dog or otherwise keep him contained for the evening.
Keeping Your Dog Safe During Halloween + Pet Halloween Party Ideas
3. Feed Your Dog Early
Feed your dog a larger meal earlier than usual to ensure his tummy is full. The goal here is to avoid him rambling about, sniffing and hunting for snacks and food to devour. Because of the nature of the holiday, and especially if you’re having guests over, bits of candy or food could make their way to the floor where your hungry dog may gobble them up. Feeding him properly before the night activities begin should help keep him too full to snack on discovered treats. Tossing him a doggie treat, from time to time, however, is perfectly acceptable. You still want your dog to have some Halloween fun, right?
4. To Costume or Not to Costume the Dog?
Don’t force your pet to don a costume unless you feel he would be comfortable with it on. Once you get him into full regalia, take your pictures quickly so that you can remove any accessories that might be uncomfortable for your dog or that may make it hard for him to walk or see.
It may be fun for you to see him all dressed up, but a costume can be constricting or bothersome for your pooch.
Dogs, Chocolate, and Candy: Halloween Safety Tips
5. Stay Safe in the Dark
If you plan to take your dog trick or treating — or just out for a nighttime stroll during the madness — make sure you’re prepared. Use a short or retractable leash to keep your pup close to you and away from lurking children, and make sure it’s reflective. You can also attach a blinking light to your pet’s collar to make sure he’s easily seen.
6. Verify Your Dog Still Has Identification
Make sure your canine companion has his proper identification tags and that he’s been micro-chipped. In case he runs off in possible hysterics over the night’s festivities, you want to increase the chances of him being found, identified, and brought back to your doorstep.
7. Be Prepared for an Emergency
In the event of an emergency, like if your dog eats something that makes him sick, be sure you have the address and phone number of your local animal emergency room at the ready. It’s best to be prepared for the worst-case scenario, just in case.
Halloween is fun for kids, but it can be confusing and scary for pets. By implementing the above tips, you’ll be keeping your pet safe and comfortable during one of your front door’s busiest nights of the year.
“7 Tips on Securing a Safe and Fun Halloween for Your Dog”
Author: Penny Martin, website
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Perfect article Jeanne! I told my friends this year they should feed their dog really well to minimize the chance their dog gets into the Halloween candy! If you can believe it, atleast three of my friend’s dogs got into the candy! I asked if they fed their dog before hand, and they all said no. Super awesome tip, will try and spread the word better next year!