I Remember Morning Star Wordless Wednesday

I Remember Morning Star

2000 – 2014

I Remember Morning Star Wordless Wednesday
Star, 14 yrs

I remember Morning Star.

She was in my life for 14 years.

She was my friend, my sister, my shoulder to cry on, my running partner.

Her name was STAR, but every morning when I got up, first thing I would say was, “Morning, Star!) 

So it kinda stuck.

I Remember Morning Star Wordless Wednesday

I really miss my Morning Star.

She died of bone cancer.  It was a sad, sad day.

I Remember Morning Star Wordless Wednesday

I still love you, Star.

Thank you for listening.


I Remember Morning Star : Wordless Wednesday #dogs, #GSD Share on X



Star and Jeanne Melanson, Animal Bliss

Jeanne Melanson



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16 thoughts on “I Remember Morning Star Wordless Wednesday”

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a dog. My Daisy died 2 1/2 years ago and she was my heart. She saved my life. I will forever miss her and not a day goes by that I don’t send her kisses to heaven. It is a steep price to pay, losing them so soon, for all the love they give us. I am better for being loved by Daisy. Morning Star was beautiful.

  2. i am so sorry, it is so hard. i will going thru this soon with my oldest, she just turned 14 and has had lots of medical problems lately, this past yr or 2 b/c i was an idiot and tried the seresto collar and she has has so many problems since, vestibular twice, reactions to vaccines, lost her hearing, going blind, etc. she was a very healthy dog until i used the bayer seresto collar. morning star was a beautiful shepherd.

    • I’m so sorry to hear this about your girl, Sandy. I’ve never liked flea and tick collars, nor any other chemical treatment, on my animals. I can’t stand the idea of having chemicals on my own skin, so I don’t do it to them. Nasty stuff. Don’t be hard on yourself, though, if that’s what has caused all her problems. You didn’t know. Sending you strong thoughts. 🙂

  3. She is so very beautiful. I lost my precious Barkley to bone cancer, suddenly and aggressively. My brother died of cancer within days of her leaving us. I’m glad I’ve captured their stories in my books but nothing can replace them, and the love they brought to us. May her memory bring both joy and comfort to you.

  4. Star was a beautiful dog! Made me think of my Sierra, a Lab/Golden mis, who died at 13 1/2. She also had cancer, but a slow moving form. It was in her leg and an amputation gave her 3 1/2 more years of life.

    Thank you for sharing your Morning Star today 🙂

    • Aww, so sorry to hear about your Sierra as well. Star’s cancer was mainly in her hip area. Nasty stuff, that cancer. I’m glad you could buy 3 1/2 more years with Sierra. Thanks for commenting. Peace.

    • Yes Kelley. The German Shepherd is my all-time favorite dog. I wish I could get another … Hey, thanks so much for stopping by. I love your little Drogo dragon, by the way. Mine is named Shirley. You may have seen her around. See ya later, alligator.


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