Prevent Cancer in Your Cat
Guest Writer: Evelyn Valdez
Cats are helpless to huge numbers of similar diseases that can affect people. Sadly, in cats, cancer has a tendency to be more devastating. Apparently, not all instances of cancer can be avoided. There is likely a hereditary part included that makes a few cats more vulnerable. In any case, there are a few things that the typical cat owner can do to prevent cancer in your cat.

1. Vaccination against Feline Leukemia Virus
Lymphoma and leukemia in cats can be contracted in the body if the cat contracts the feline leukemia virus. Annual vaccine injections are necessary to help prevent cancer in your cat, as any immunity that is given by injection only lasts for a year, not a lifetime. The virus doesn’t cause the cancers but gives the cat severe vulnerabilities of developing the disease, so prevention is good as it is only a small effort on your part to get your cat immunized. Many people only vaccinate their cats when they get them as kittens, wrongly believing that it provides lifelong cover. Also, with everybody watching what they spend, some individuals find that they can’t afford yearly vaccine injections. This is a thing which should be a significant part of the consideration when getting a cat; keeping each and every animal healthy is not just giving them food; future Vet expenses should be factored in. The presumable cost of treating a cat with lymphoma or leukemia will be significantly higher than yearly vaccinations.

2. Spaying of Females
Mammary cancers are decreased substantially by spaying your female cat. However, it is not a guarantee against it, as even male cats can build up the disease, although it is rare. Spaying and neutering, as a rule, can reduce the roaming of the cats, so they will be in better physical condition, leading to them being more affectionate with their owners, leading to lumps and bumps being quickly noticed and treated. The drawback of neutering and spaying is that a few cats can turn out to be quite obese, leading to problems in detecting those lumps and bumps, so this is like a two-edged sword. As a rule, it is ideal to spay and neuter your cats unless they are kept explicitly for breeding. Testicular and ovarian cancers don’t occur in cats, so there is no immediate concern in this regard.

3. Diet
Many cats are fed on high-quality food which contain necessities that cats need to keep healthy. Monitoring the amount of food a cat eats is sometimes tricky, particularly if they are not house cats but rather are permitted to roam. In any case, by giving a dish of food of high quality, you can make sure that they will eat the vast majority of it, regardless of what number of rodents and birds they are snacking on between meals. Cats aren’t the kind of animal to leave behind a pleasant, simple meal, so if your cat is refusing food it might be an indication that it is sick. They can turn out to be exceptionally fussy eaters if given the shot and they likewise get exhausted quite effortlessly. It is smart to change their food fairly regularly because, on the off chance that they get too used to one brand that gets to be discontinued or “improves” its recipe, they can turn out to be quite difficult to wean onto anything new. An all-around supported cat of the right weight will probably have the capacity to withstand the occasionally quite harsh treatment should it consequently contract cancer.
4. Be Vigilant
While in no way, shape or form a prevention, constant vigilance with regards to the health of your cat will surely help prevent cancer in your cats and enhance its odds of recuperation should it contract cancer. Not all cancers give an undeniable lump but rather by becoming more acquainted with your cat you can detect the little changes that can indicate it is unwell. Changes in gut propensity are troublesome with regards to cats because unless they use a kitty litter box, you are probably not going to see any changes in their stools. If you notice your cat crying or straining while urinating or defecating, it is essential to take it to the vet. If you cat uses the kitty litter only, it may be a good idea to keep the cat it in for a night, to check whether you can isolate the issue. It might be something simple like an infestation of worms. Grooming your cat is a decent method for checking for anything strange on its skin or a lump. Make sure that the place where your cats live is well cleaned. Remember to keep your household cleaners in a safe location, away from your cats.
“4 Easy Ways to Help Prevent Cancer in Your Cat”
Guest Writer Bio: Evelyn Valdez is the creator of PlaywithMeow! I love all pets ( especially cats) because they always make me happy and healthy. I want to connect with other pet lovers in the world to share experience in caring pets.
Follow me on Twitter: @Evelynvaldezpl1
4 Easy Ways to Help Prevent Cancer in Your Cat, #PetHealth Share on X
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Do you have a pet that has experienced Cancer? It hurts, doesn’t it? 😥
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Many vets these days recommend minimizing vaccinations for indoor-only cats because of vaccination related sarcomas ( Rabies is usually required legally … but my vet has repeatedly asked if I’m sure I want to vaccinate Bear for diseases he’s unlikely to contract. Given the tumor in his back that ended up being benign (, I’m very aware of these issues, but I still choose to fully vaccinate him. Our vet is one of the many that have started vaccinating in the hind leg. Since most sarcomas grow back, giving the vaccination in the leg means in the worst case, the cat might lose his leg instead of his life.
Thanks for sharing this information with us. We need to be aware of these things, don’t we, to make informed decisions in regards to our pets. I’m glad your cat is okay.