New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners

New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners

The new year is almost here, and with the holiday season already upon us, there has never been a better time to prepare a list of important things you want to change, both for you, and your pet. What follows is a list of New Year’s resolutions for dog owners to help you make next year the happiest year yet both for you and your dog.

New Year's Resolutions for Dog Owners

New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners

1. I will Spend More Time with My Buddy

Maybe you are so busy with your job and leave your dog alone all day long? Then, this year you may want to spend more time with your buddy. Setting aside an extra hour or two is the greatest gift you can ever give to your dog.

2. I will Boost My Dog’s Diet

This year you may want to pay more attention to your dog’s diet based on his breed and age. Some dog breeds require more calory intake, while some older dogs may have a medical issue that requires a specific diet. Choosing a diet plan specifically tailored to your dog’s needs is a great way to keep him healthy.

3. I will Plan Regular Visits to The Vet

This year you may want to schedule a regular visit to your pet, this being the best way to maintain your dog’s health.

4. I will Get My Dog Pet Insurance

This year you may want to get insurance for your dog. A pet insurance could be used when an emergency strikes.

5. I will Get My Dog Microchipped

This year you may want to get your dog microchipped, which is one of the best ways to find your dog if he goes missing.

6. I will Update My Pet Registration

Have you moved to a new place? Have you changed your phone number? Then, this year you may want to update your pet’s tag and microchip information.

7. I will Help My Dog Exercise More

Just like humans, obesity is a growing problem for pets. This year you may want to schedule regular exercise, such as playing frisbee or fetch, at least once a week. These activities help your dog lose or maintain his weight and keep him healthy.

8. I will Brush My Pet Daily

This year you may want to set aside five minutes per day to brush your dog. A 5-minute brush can accomplish a lot of things; it removes excess fur and keeps the coat shiny and healthy. Brushing also increases a bond between you and your dog.

9. I will Practice Daily Toothbrushing

This year you may want to practice daily tooth brushing, crucial for keeping your dog’s teeth clean and healthy.

10. I will Give My Dog an Apple a Day

This year you may want to give more fruits and veggies to your dog. An apple a day keeps your dog healthy. Apples help clean a dog’s teeth, and it is an excellent source of vitamin A and C. Many vegetables and fruits are beneficial for your dogs such as peanut butter, baby carrots, pumpkin, green beans, and oatmeal.

Related: Can Dogs Eat Human Food? Low to High-Risk Foods

11. I will Keep My Dog Away from Smoke

Smoking is harmful both to people and pets. According to studies, exposure to second-hand smoke can increase the chance of getting respiratory problems and cancer. If you can’t quit smoking, at least keep it away from your dog.

12. I will Teach Teach My Dog New Tricks

Learning a new trick increases mental stimulation and is a beneficial activity that can make your dog’s brain active and keep it healthier. This year you may want to teach your dog one or two new tricks. Reading about dog training tips will give you some ideas what to teach.

13. This Year I will Clean Out Old Stuff

Your dog stuff can overrun your house from leashes, collars, accessories, and toys. Maybe it is the time to clean out some of those old toys or accessories.

14. This Year I will Read More

You may want to set aside 10 minutes per day this year to read more. Web sites or blogs like Animal Bliss or PetsWebMD which provide plenty of advice to enhance your knowledge about your dog.

15. I will Try a New Activity with my Dog

Do you love outdoor activities? Great, then it’s the time to start planning the next hiking trip with your dog. Having fun together is a great way to bond, keeping you and your dog healthy, and meet up new friends; like-minded dog owners you meet along the way.

16. I will Try Pet-Friendly Yoga

It’s popularly known as Dogya, and if you find a pet-friendly yoga studio near your house, I would recommend you try it. It is an excellent way to bond with your canine, and your dog will have a good stretching time with you.

17. This Year I Will Improve My Dog’s Social Life

Just like humans, dogs also need to have a good social life. Social life is important for your dog’s development, as less socialized dogs have been known to have many behavior problems. A simple walk to a dog park can improve your dog’s life a lot.

18. This Year I will Treat My Dog to a Monthly Mani/Pedicure

A monthly pedicure is the best way to prevent overgrown nails. Treat those nails before they hurt your dog and other people.

19. This Year I will Enroll My Dog in a New Training Class

Enrolling your dog in a training class is the best opportunity to be both around his peers, and learn some new discipline.

20. This Year Me and my Dog will Do Something Good for Others

Start the year by doing something good for others. If your dog has the right temperament, and you love social work, you both might enjoy volunteering your time to become a therapy animal team at the hospital or senior center.

21. This Year I Will Take More Pictures

This year you might want to take more pictures of you and your dog together, so one day you can look back again and remember all the good times you had.

22. This Year I will Consider Fostering

Many sheltered and rescued animals need loving homes before they can be adopted out. Fostering a dog is a great way to provide your dog a buddy to play with, and is a wonderful service to provide.

23. This Year I Won’t Feed My Dog Table Food

This year, avoid table food and feed your dog only dog food. Some people foods are dangerous for dogs (sometimes even fatal). Table scraps increase the chance of obesity and serious health problems.

24. This Year I will Measure My Dog’s Food

This year, you should start measuring every meal you feed your dog. Overfeeding is being linked to many health problems such as obesity and diabetes. Use an 8-ounce measuring cup or read the recommended feeding guidelines on the bag to find out how much food you should be giving.

25. This Year I will Bike with My Dog

If you love to ride a bicycle and have a dog who loves to run, you may want to consider to regularly biking together. You both will enjoy the fun, adventure, and fresh air.


“New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners”

Guest Writer: Andrew Garf is the owner of, a dog training blog providing dog training, health and grooming tips.

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Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.


Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions for your pets this year?

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(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson, founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals, domestic pets and wildlife too.

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!


Disclosure: Animal Bliss is a PetSmart affiliate and will earn a (very small) commission from purchases made through links on this website.

(Coffee money – thank you!)




13 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners”

  1. I think diet is always the big one on our list, it’s too easy to spoil the dog and you never want to leave them out if you are having a treat at home. Some really good and helpful information here, thanks for the write up.

  2. I need to do more of #12 and #13 -I really want to teach all three more tricks and I found some cool (easy) tricks in the latest issue of WDJ so I’m on this. I also need to clean out old collars and leashes 🙂 not good….


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