Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses – Cats and Dogs

Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses

Keep Your Furry Friend (And Your Wallet) Healthy

There is no question that our furry friends are part of the family. They provide love, comfort, and even protection, so it can be worrisome when our cats and dogs get sick. And this is especially true when you don’t know what they are feeling.

Since pets can’t communicate their symptoms, it’s important that owners know the basics of pet illness. You can rest easier by being aware of what might make your pet sick, and what the resulting vet treatment may cost you.

For your loyal pooch, the most costly medical condition is Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). It can cost your family an average of $720.96 (US) to fix this disc displacement or collapse. Cost-wise, Pancreatitis follows this condition, mass removal, Periodontal Disease, and Gastroenteritis.

Related: Caring For Your Pets: How To Make Sure They Get The Medical Attention They Need

While you might have both a cat and a dog in your house, your feline has its own set of health risks. Periodontal Disease is the most costly condition, adding up to $466.70. The most expensive medical issues following this condition, include Constipation, Gastroenteritis, Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), and vomiting.

As with any medical condition, early detection can save your pet from discomfort and other complications, while also saving you money. Take the time to read up on the most common and expensive illnesses and talk to your vet about the best possible preventative care for your animal. While your pet’s specific health risks are largely dependent on their breed and age, you can keep them healthy for years to come by staying informed and taking the initiative to provide them with vet care.

Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses

Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses
The Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses in Cats and Dogs Infographic provided by


Most Common and Expensive Pet Illnesses in Cats and Dogs” infographics provided by

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Jeanne Melanson
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