Monkey Saves Electrocuted Monkey Friend in Railway Station

Monkey Saves Electrocuted Monkey Friend

Kanpur, India

WHOA!  Did you see the video where the monkey saves electrocuted monkey friend? It’s gone viral, so you may have, but I’m including it here on my blog for those that haven’t.  It’s a must-see.

Monkey Saves Electrocuted Monkey Friend

It may be a little hard to watch, and I think you need to know ahead of time that the monkey is trying to revive the other monkey, not beat him up!

Apparently he wasn’t trained in proper CPR, but, hey!  He did it.  He revived his monkey friend after it had been electrocuted while climbing on high tension cables overhead in a Kanpur Central Railway Station in India last Sunday.  The unfortunate monkey landed on the railway track, unconscious, immediately afterward.

Our little hero does everything he can to revive the other, including slapping, hitting, shaking, throwing, even biting the poor thing.  It looked like a vicious attack, actually.

The unconscious monkey eventually lands in some water.  It’s not really clear whether the monkey doing the saving dunked his friend, or if his friend fell in, but it seems to do the final trick.

After almost 20 minutes of these heroics, the victim was out of shock and its eyes were opened.  You can see the helpful friend pat him on the back.  Aww …  He later took him away from there and moved him to a safer spot.

WOW, right?  Just another day in the life of a monkey!


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It’s just sexy!

Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!



Jeanne Melanson
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9 thoughts on “Monkey Saves Electrocuted Monkey Friend in Railway Station”

  1. Hey Jeanne. These monkeys are from India amazing . Its a unique thing that have seen at the ending of 2014. Well its an amazing thing that you got time to post this on Christmas Day on 25th Dec that shows your love and passion about animals…..well merry christmas to you Jeanne and a happy new year too.

    ~ Nitin Mohan

    • Yes, this is an amazing thing, for sure. I imagine those commuters at the train station will talk about this for a long time to come. Thank you for stopping by on christmas day too! All the best. Jeanne


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