List of Popular Cat Breeds: What Breed is Your Cat?

List of Popular Cat Breeds

You could be forgiven for thinking that there’s no such thing as breeds of cats – with so many similar-looking cats everywhere, it’s rare to come across different breeds. Characteristics of cats like their fur color, length, patterns, and patches, are commonly used to tell them apart. However, fur color or patterns can’t always be used to identify breeds. When a cat has various features of several different breeds, they are typically referred to as mixed-breed. Do you know the breed of your cat? Below is a list of popular cat breeds.

List of Popular Cat Breeds: What Breed is Your Cat?
Image: “American curl kitten” by tanakawho is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.

A common domestic house cat can have almost any color and fur pattern. Pets with special characteristics are often bred to highlight one of their unique traits. Regardless of these traits, there are beautiful pedigree cat breeds out there that you should know about.

The infographic below from Cat World can help you determine the defining attributes of your pet, identify some potential breeds, and get more insight into their genetic heritage.

As you can see, cats come in many different shapes and sizes. It’s quite likely that your domestic cat has mixed breeds in its heritage, and might display some of the other breeds’ traits. For instance, Persian cats are noted for their uniquely-shaped face and long hair, while Siamese pets are extremely intelligent. A Siamese cat can even acknowledge its owner when called and often responds better to training than others. If you recognize any of these attributes in your cat, there’s a chance they could have this breed in their ancestry. With a plethora of unique animals out there, you may find yourself itching to find out the exact breed of yours.

Teacup Cats – Unique Cat Breeds, Designer Cats

Fur color can tell you a lot about the heritage, but it may not be sufficient to prove your cat as any one specific type. A few patches or color differences can distinguish a calico from a tabby cat, but your cat could indeed be both!

No matter whether you have a loving, long-haired Himalayan or a common black and white Tuxedo, every pet deserves the same love and care. For more information on everything to do with cats, visit the Cat World website.


“List of Popular Cat Breeds: What Breed is Your Cat?”

Guest Writer: Jackie Johnston from Cat World, a site designed to demystify the world taking care of and raising cats and kittens and make it easy for everyone to understand.

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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