Kitty Couch Scratcher – No More Shredded Furniture!

Got Shredded Couch?

Then get a Kitty Couch Scratcher

(… because no one loves a shredded couch.)

Why Do Kitty Cats Scratch?

Cats love to scratch. But why?  It’s a natural and healthy urge for felines, and it is necessary and normal.  Some of the benefits of scratching include:

  • Scratching is good for a cat’s muscles and circulation. It stretches their bodies and flexes their feet and claws.
  • Scratching helps cats shed the dead outer layer of their claws.
  • Scratching is a way to mark their territory, leaving a visual mark and a scent with the scent glands on their paws.

To learn more about why cats love to scratch, read this comprehensive article by

Kitty Couch Scratcher - No More Shredded Furniture!
Image: by Jeanne Melanson, Jessie Cat

Got Shredded Couch?

You don’t have to tolerate ruined furniture just because you have a cat. I’ve had cats most of my life and can honestly say I’ve never had a piece of trashed furniture. Why?  I supply my cats with scratching posts.  You need one. Or two or three.

Kitty Couch Scratcher Review
Photo: Kevin Dooley, Flickr

We have five cats now so we need cat scratchers to amuse my felines to keep them from even thinking of putting their claws on a piece of furniture. This picture shows my Jessie Cat on a Kitty Couch Scratcher by This satisfies her natural urge to scratch. Not only does she use it to stretch her muscles and toes, but she also likes to take long naps on it, just like I love to nap on my couch. 😉

Reasons Why You Should NEVER Declaw Your Cat

Kitty Couch Scratcher Review

Note: This is not a sponsored post and I have received no compensation for this review.

  • The Kitty Couch Scratcher, made out of super dense, durable, corrugated cardboard, means it will last much longer than those thinner scratchers and save you time and money too.
  • The Kitty Couch Scratcher has a stylish design that will smoothly go with any home decor.
  • Unlike stand-up scratching posts, this one is both a scratcher and a lounge.
  • It’s large enough to accommodate any size cat.
  • And, the Kitty Couch Scratcher comes with FREE CATNIP to entice your cat to use it more often!
Got Shredded Couch? Get Kitty Couch Scratcher
Jessie Cat


UPDATE: I’m sad to say that Jessie Cat is gone now. She died in my arms at the age of 17 years.

Animal Bliss is a really cool blog about animals, both domestic pets and wildlife too

Get Your Kitty Cat Scratcher Now on Amazon

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How many cat scratchers do you have around your home? How many cats?

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(It’s just sexy!)

Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


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Jeanne Melanson
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24 thoughts on “Kitty Couch Scratcher – No More Shredded Furniture!”

  1. I would love to win because I recently adopted a three month old kitten, Keala Rayne. While she’s a lovable, huggable, constantly purring little one — she’s spunky and wild and will sometimes try to go after something to scratch. She has plenty of stuff to scratch on… but nothing like this!

      • She’s a tiger mix, but has a lot of different colors in her. Adopted her a few weeks after losing my ten year old siamese cat to liver disease. It was a tough decision, but this little kitten so needed us. My mom started writing a book and used the name Keala for a pet in there and we both liked it… so that was kind of a given for a name. As for Rayne, I thought it was interesting. It’s unique, so we went with that. It fits hers. Lol.


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