How to Properly Clean Rabbit Hutches
Rabbits make excellent pets, and they can be perfect companions, particularly for children. In fact, having a rabbit as a pet can help younger people to have a sense of responsibility by helping to take care of these intelligent creatures which include the more mundane, but essential task of cleaning rabbit hutches, to ensure the rabbit maintains optimum health.
Rabbit hutches can create a safe and warm environment for these lovely creatures. As this will be their home for regular periods, it is essential to ensure that the hutch is clean. It isn’t the most pleasurable task, but if the welfare of your pet is important to you, it will become an experience which is second nature because you know it will create a healthy lifestyle for your fantastic pet.
Cleaning out a rabbit hutch for the first time can be daunting if you are unsure where to begin and to ensure you are maintaining the [amazon_textlink asin=’B017LTC24Y’ text=’rabbit hutch’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ad224450-e5a4-11e6-bef8-012aa5ba7d31′] correctly. Substandard cleaning will risk the health of your rabbit and helps to create a rather uncomfortable environment for your pet.
Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Pet Rabbit
A good practice to adopt is to clear any rabbit droppings away every day before you undertake deep clean once a week, making the task of cleaning the rabbit hutch much easier. It goes without saying that failure to implement a proper cleaning regime will increase the risk of bacteria and potentially cause avoidable illness to the rabbit.
Thankfully, rabbits tend to go to the toilet in the same area every time, which makes the task a little bit easier! However, you can also train your rabbit to use a litter tray which will help to keep the hutch clean. This practice is very common and also helps to make cleaning that much easier.
Part of the deep cleaning requires disinfecting the hutch and replacing any hay, newspaper and wood shavings. If there are remnants of fruit and vegetables which have been left by your pet, you need to remove them as they will become rancid and can make your rabbit ill.
Rabbit Care Books on Amazon (affiliate link)
[amazon_link asins=’0985003200,B00W95FBOO’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’animalbliss-blog-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e024529a-e5a5-11e6-afff-cb4dbcd3d952′]Disinfecting requires you to use soapy water and a disinfectant – it is wise to ensure that any cleaning materials are pet-friendly or your rabbit may become ill. Good soapy water with a disinfectant often suffices; however, many people like to add a disinfectant separately to remove any traces of harmful bacteria.
After thoroughly scrubbing the hutch, let it dry thoroughly. Then put down clean newspaper and clean bowls filled with fresh water.
A rabbit hutch should be a safe and warm environment for your pet, and by ensuring that the hutch is adequately cleaned and maintained regularly, you will help to ensure that your rabbit remains healthy. You will also help to keep the hutch in excellent condition.
Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Pet Rabbit
“How to Properly Clean Rabbit Hutches”
GUEST WRITER: Cormac Reynolds is a writer for Home And Roost
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Correct rabbit hutches should be cleaned on a weekly basis, especially if they are located outdoors. However rabbits are a prey animal and are very skittish which in fact do not make good pets for children. Sometimes children can be too rough and end up hurting or frightening the rabbit. They can easily have a heart attack from being scared. One drop from even one or two feet can be fatal for a bun. We have almost 10 rabbits now and we clean hutches on a weekly basis to keep them clean.
Thank you for your input, Viktoria. I’m glad you added this information. I didn’t know rabbits could suffer from a heart attack from being scared. They seem like a relatively delicate animal. That’s good for people to know. All the best. Peace
Yes, Rabbit’s hutch should be clean on a daily basis or at least once a week to keep the healthy environment for your rabbits. So, we should buy a such rabbit hutch that can be cleaned up easily. Yorkshire 5ft Rabbit Hutch & Run and Yorkshire Luxury 5ft Rabbit Hutch & Internal Run are some of the best rabbit hutches in which we find a removable timber plinth for easy cleaning purpose.
Thanks to share the great information for us.
Thank you for that information, Sam. I appreciate your input. 🙂
Ih I remember my great grandmothers when I was a child– I could only imagine cleaning that was just awful– nastier when it was hot.
lol. I bet you your great grandmother loved every minute of it. At least, I hope she did. Thanks for stopping by again, Dianna. I always appreciate it when you do.
I had forgotten what a choir it was cleaning the rabbits cages when I was a kid. Does this bring back the memories. My dad was awesome when it came to cleaning. He built running pens that we put the rabbits in while we cleaned the cages. and he had special cleaning tools just for them. then when it came to clean up the manure,that all went to a special compost, because it was so hot,for the regular compost.Lots of work, lots of learning, but well worth the experience
That is a nice experience to have as a child, Dianna. I’ve never had a rabbit, actually, but I have had a LOT of chickens. You should try cleaning a chicken coop someday. Both steamy and hot! Thanks for visiting my blog. I truly appreciate it when you do. Ciao!