Diabetes in Cats and Dogs on the Rise

Diabetes in Cats and Dogs on the Rise

It will come as no surprise to many pet owners that their furry friends are getting fatter, but it may shock you once you realize that a recent study revealed that cases of diabetes in cats and dogs has risen over 900% in just five years.

Diabetes in cats and dogs on the rise.

The report also found that an estimated 250,000 dogs in the UK don’t get walked at all, which may be the root of the huge health problem.

Symptoms of diabetes in your dog can point towards learning that your pet has diabetes, with an increase in drinking and urinating being the most common sign to spot.

This infographic by Animal Friends Insurance reveals the most common breeds of cats and dogs that are diagnosed with the disease, as well as common symptoms you should be looking for in order to look after your pet’s health.



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Do you have experience with diabetes in your pet(s)?


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Jeanne Melanson


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15 thoughts on “Diabetes in Cats and Dogs on the Rise”

  1. That is so interesting that diabetes is on such a rise in pets! I did not know that. It can definitely be a troublesome health issue.

    We had a neighbor with two black cats, one who had diabetes. One day, the owner mistakenly gave the insulin shot to the wrong cat…. The poor diabetic cat had to be rushed to the vet after missing her shot. Luckily, she ended up being okay.

    • Whoa, what a story. I’m glad the diabetic cat ended up being okay. Strangly, I had a friend years ago with two black cats, one of which had diabetes. I’m glad you stopped by, Mary. Come back soon!

  2. I wonder if being a mixed breed lowers the risk – like my schnoodle. He has to exercise full out daily or he’s crazy. I can’t imagine not walking a dog. (P.S. I was born in Halifax)

    • I’m not sure if mixed breed dogs have lower risk of diabetes, but I have a feeling your schnoodle will be just fine. I love crazy schnoodles. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog, fellow Haligonian!

  3. That is such a shock to see how much the statistics have risen! Sad, too. I don’t have any experience with a diabetic pet, thankfully. Some great info and things to look out for, though. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I know that diabetes is on the rise for people, and assumed that there would be a rise for pets, but over 900% in just five years!! OMG. That is awful.

    I’ve always watched my dogs weight and don’t overfeed and don’t over-treat them. I’m so glad when my boy was about a year, my vet had a chat with me to tell me he was overweight (I didn’t realize it!). From then on, he has been a good target weight. I’ll be sharing this with friends. Thank you!!

    • I’m glad you stopped by, Tricia. I appreciate you sharing with us. I love hearing from owners that take such good care of their pets. It is alarming to know that diabetes is such a huge thing now. Wow.

  5. This is very interesting! Like humans, like their pets, it seems! There should be a joint “get fit” campaign for humans and their pets so they both reduce their risk of developing diabetes!

  6. My mother in laws dog just got diagnosed and although I know some things about dogs and cats I didn’t know much about diabetes in dogs and felt helpless to help her. Thank you for sharing this. I am going to share it with her.

    • Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law’s dog being diagnosed with diabetes. Hopefully it will be quite manageable and the dog will live a long, long time. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog today.

  7. My last cat passed with complications of diabetes. We and the vet think she had a stroke as was unable to walk. She was an inside cat and it was just before her 19th birthday.
    She was on insulin, had never been allowed to over eat, actually had stopped insulin as her sugar had normalized (discovered when she had a seizure a few weeks prior.) she was my heart cat. Of interest her kidney function was perfect, my other cats had kidney failure at about 12-13 years old.

    • Thanks for your comment, Cheryl. Sorry to hear about your cats. They lived long lives, though, right? That’s awesome. You must have done so well taking care of them. I’m glad you visited my site! Come back soon.


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