4 Ways To Deal With Pests Without Endangering Your Pets

How to Deal With Pests Without Endangering Your Pets

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Your pets are cherished members of your family, and you would do anything for them. On the other hand, pests are troublesome creatures that you don’t want in and around your home. So what can you do to deal with pests without endangering your pets?

4 Ways To Deal With Pests Without Endangering Your Pets

Repel Pests With Sound

Instead of using a spray or some other type of poison, it may be in your best interest to repel certain types of pests with sound. This method may be especially helpful if you have mice or rat infestations in your home. The sound will force them to scurry out of the house without doing too much damage to the rodents or your favorite dog or cat.

Keep Pests Out By Eliminating Food Sources

Like any other living creature, insects and rodents will migrate to where their food is. By removing crumbs, specks of sugar or other food sources, you significantly reduce the odds that any bugs are going to make your home their home as well. It is also important to remove dead wood and standing water, as that will reduce the odds of termites or carpenter ants getting comfortable in and around your property.

DIY Possum Control Trap, Controlling Backyard Possums

Seal Cracks And Other Holes To Eliminate Access Points

Ants and other bugs can get into your house through cracks that are less than an inch wide. By sealing off these access points, you may prevent pests from getting into your house in the first place, which makes it easy to create a safe space for the creatures that you chose to bring into your home.

Use Traps Or Sprays Outside

By luring pests outside, you don’t have to worry about spraying or laying traps inside. For instance, you could spray the perimeter of your home early in the spring to keep anything from getting inside. Conventional ant traps can be discretely placed in garages or in the basement to lure the insects to their death without getting the attention of a pet. You may also consider using traps, like those offered by Allrid, that are more enclosed and may be harder for your pets to reach the poison.

Bees, ants, and mice are creatures that seemingly live to do battle with their human hosts during the spring and summer months. While they may be relatively harmless in nature, they could cause health issues for humans and pets alike if stung or ingested. Therefore, it is important to get rid of pests quickly and to deal with pests without endangering your pets.


4 Ways To Safely Deal With Pests Without Endangering Your Pets

Guest Author: Emma Sturgis (See Bio below)

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Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.


Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.


How do you safely deal with pests in your household?
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Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

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Emma Sturgis
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4 thoughts on “4 Ways To Deal With Pests Without Endangering Your Pets”

  1. These are great tips for dealing with pests without endangering your pets! I wouldn’t want to use anything that could hurt our pets! So thanks for sharing this!

  2. Thank you so much for giving us great tips about how to deal with pests without endangering them. Moreover, security is also a big concern for pet owner. For this, we can create a pet driver’s license its great idea to secure your pets from any harm.


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