Clumsy Baby Elephants Video That Will Make You Say “Aww”

Clumsy Baby Elephants Video

Why do we love baby animals so much?  Is it because of our human need to nurture?  Baby animals trigger the same protective mechanism in us that human babies do. We love those large baby eyes, the big heads, the short and stubby limbs.  It makes them look vulnerable, precious and needy.

As a result, we want to protect, cuddle and squeeze. Right?  Oh and the clumsiness!  We especially love that.

Check out this clumsy baby elephants video.  This will be your “aww” dose for today.  Enjoy!

This Clumsy Baby Elephants Video was published by on Nov 10, 2014


Love animals? You have to watch this Clumsy #Baby #Elephants Video Share on X


Clumsy Baby Elephants Video that will make you say, "Aww."


You might also like: Sloths Being Cute, They Just Can’t Help Themselves


Over To You Now:

  • Are you a baby animal lover?  Why do you think that is, and which ones in particular grab at your heart strings?
  • Do have story you’d like to share?  eMail me directly at


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It’s just sexy!

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Jeanne Melanson


Jeanne Melanson
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