Benefits of Pet Friendly Workplaces are Many

Over time, the office has changed. Take personnel, for example; it used to be that women were relegated to service-only positions or secretarial spots. But our notion of what’s acceptable and encouraged at work has, thankfully, evolved.

The same is true for other office processes — plants and posters in the office to name just two. But there’s one additional change that a whole lot of people are welcoming and embracing, and that’s pet-friendly workplaces.

The notion of bringing an animal into the office only makes sense, because more and more of us are actual pet owners — in fact, probably over 85 million households in the United States. And those pets as part of our lives aren’t the same as pets in families from several decades ago. We pamper them and love them as if they were a two-legged family member. So how can your office have a pet-friendly policy? This graphic explains it.

Benefits of Pet Friendly Workplaces


“Benefits of Pet Friendly Workplaces”

Benefits of Pet-Friendly Workplaces, Pets in the Office - It's a Good Thing. Share on X

Pet-Friendly Work Trend is Growing



Are you able to bring your pet(s) to work?


Jeanne Melanson
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