Raising an American Eskimo Puppy, Dog Breed Training

Raising an American Eskimo Puppy, Dog Breed Training

Raising an American Eskimo Puppy You’re welcoming a brand-new dog into your home, and it’s none other than an American Eskimo puppy. These affectionate, even-tempered dogs are among the most intelligent and obedient companions, but it takes some work to get there. They’re hugely curious and investigative pups, but that also means it takes time … Read more

German Shepherds Are Prone to Cancer: Tips to Prevent It

German Shepherds are prone to cancer and rank high on the disease scale but there are things you can do to help protect your dog.

German Shepherds Are Prone to Cancer Our beloved pets are not above medical problems. Like humans, they may have allergies and may acquire diseases or illnesses such as cancer. Certain pets are prone to cancer, especially in dogs. German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) are a well-known and favorite breed that are excellent guard and family dogs … Read more

How High do Dogs get on Marijuana? THC-Free Therapy for Dogs

How High do Dogs get on Marijuana? THC-Free Therapy for Dogs

How High do Dogs get on Marijuana? ~ Good, the Bad, the Lowdown ~ Dogs get pretty stoned when they eat your stash. In fact, the high is scary for them and bad for their mental and physical health. In severe cases, dogs can injure themselves and fatalities exist. THC causes terror-induced highs and owners … Read more