Are Lilies Poisonous to Cats? Can Lilies Kill Your Cat?

We all love to give and receive flowers, but if you’re a cat owner you need to be aware that not all flowers are cat-friendly. While some plants can cause skin irritation and nausea, others are potentially deadly to your cat.

Are lilies poisonous to cats?

Lilies are not only fatal to your cat but they are so toxic to cats that merely sniffing the pollen or drinking the vase water is enough to cause renal failure.

If you’re a cat owner, read through the following infographic and make yourself familiar with all the facts. Please pass it on to any other owners who may be in the dark about this serious issue.

199 Poisonous Plants that are a Danger to You and Your Pets

Animal Bliss is a really cool blog about animals, both domestic pets and wildlife too
Are Lilies Poisonous to Cats? Can Lilies Kill Your Cat?~~~~~


“Are Lilies Poisonous to Cats? Can Lilies Kill Your Cat?”

Infographic created by Flowers Across Sydney


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Are you aware of what plants are toxic to your pets?

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Jeanne Melanson
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2 thoughts on “Are Lilies Poisonous to Cats? Can Lilies Kill Your Cat?”

  1. It’s really scary how many plants can be harmful to your cat, I recently looked into this because we’re new homeowners and people have been gifting us plants and things like that – and some of them I’d had to give away to my in-laws because our cats would likely get poisoned by them! Thank you for sharing this – it’s really important knowledge for pet owners to have and it’s so uncommon that people really know just how serious these cases can be.

    • Hi, Jaimee. Thanks for your input. Yes, it’s important information to share with people who have pets of any kind – to be aware of the plants (and foods) around them. All the best to you, and thanks for visiting Animal Bliss.


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