April 4 World Stray Animals Day Embassador Cesar Millan, Dog Whisperer

April 4 World Stray Animals Day

This may be the first time you’re hearing about April 4 World Stray Animal Day.  It’s only been around a few years. It started in the fall of 2010 when one hundred Dutch stray animals organizations gathered for the first time ever at the First Dutch National Stray Animals Conference. On this day, a leading Dutch marketing guru came up with the idea of a special day in honor of all stray animals worldwide.

April 4 World Stray Animals Day is a day to give special attention to the 600.000.000 stray animals in the world.  It is a day to do something to help a growing stray animal population worldwide.  It is your chance to adopt, spay, neuter, organize an event, donate to a shelter, spread the word, and simply be more aware.

Dogs and cats should have a home. But stray dogs and stray cats don’t. They lead poor and miserable lives on the streets, often starving, suffering extreme heat, cold, and diseases.

April 4 World Stray Animals Day is a day to show compassion, care, and do something for stray animals all over our planet.

Click here to learn more about April 4 World Stray Animals Day.

Find them on FACEBOOK: World Stray Animals Day – April 4

April 4 World Stray Animals Day*

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See also: Hendrick Boards Skateboarding with a Mission to Save Animals Nationally

QUESTION OF THE DAY:  Will you help spread the word?  Tell, tweet, link, recommend, post, blog, like and share this cause with as many people as you can.  Thank you!

*** Please leave a comment below and remember to share. ***

It’s just sexy!

Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. 


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Jeanne Melanson
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5 thoughts on “April 4 World Stray Animals Day Embassador Cesar Millan, Dog Whisperer”

  1. What a great thing! I had no idea there was such a day. My two dogs are from a rescue. 🙂 I’ve never tried sharing a blog before but I tried to share this one. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I had no idea there was a World Stray Animals Day. Thanks for that info.

    Both of my cats were strays. I found the first kitten at a local strip mall and then the second kitten was from my neighborhood.

    Several years ago I started feeding a stray, pregnant cat. Then, I fed her kittens, and eventually caught them, spayed/neutered them, and released them. I’ve been doing that for about 5 years now. Last summer, I didn’t know there were new kittens, but I caught one too young to have neutered, so I kept him inside until he was old enough. By that time, he was mine.

    Sadly, the ferals have changed over the years, but my baby’s daddy still eats his meals outside my front day every day. I think the mother does, too, but I only catch glimpses of her.

    Thanks again. I shared this because it is such an important cause!

  3. I had no idea there was a day to bring awareness about stray animals. So glad to see this. We adopted our pup about a year ago. I’ll be sharing this post on fb to let others know. Thanks.

  4. It baffles me how modern society can ignore the problem of stray animals the way it does, but I’m glad there is some recognition.


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