4 Symptoms to Look for after Adopting a Dog

Symptoms to Look for after Adopting a Dog

Everyone wants to bring a new canine companion into a happy and healthy household. You’ve prepped the house for your furry new friend, but one part of maintaining that healthy household that is often overlooked is watching out for symptoms of canine ailments in those first crucial weeks. Below are four signs of canine ailments to look for after adopting a dog that can come home with your new pup, and what to do once you recognize them.


Perhaps one of the most common symptoms that a dog can come home with after adoption is coughing, most often a sign of Kennel Cough. It is highly contagious and therefore easy to spread, but is treatable with antibiotics and preventable with a vaccine. However, coughing can also be a sign of other things such as Pneumonia, so if you hear it, you should schedule a pet consultation with your veterinarian right away.


Diarrhea is a very common symptom for your new dog to come home with. Many things can cause diarrhea, and it would be tough to diagnose without veterinary consultation. Things like internal parasites, food changes, stress, and a host of other ailments can cause diarrhea. The best course of action would be to gather up a sample and get it to your vet as quickly as possible.


Like diarrhea, vomiting is something that can occur once your pet is home. Continued vomiting in animals can cause weight loss and severe dehydration as well as other medical issues. Many things that can cause vomiting are similar to those that cause diarrhea, such as internal parasites, stress, and with many dogs, eating something they should not have.

Adopting the Right Dog for Your Lifestyle


Lethargy can be the toughest one to catch because your pet is new to you and your home. You may not quite know their personality well enough yet to be able to quickly determine when your dog is lethargic. Some things you can watch out for to help you recognize lethargy are changes to their activity level, changes in behavior, not eating, and reluctance to move around much.

Always be on the lookout for changes in your new pet’s health, and establish veterinary care right away even if your pet seems healthy. If you do notice something that could be a symptom, don’t hesitate to call your local clinic for a consultation.

Emma Sturgis
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