If you love animals, you’ve come to the right place.
We’re not your average pet blog, and we’re way more than just cats and dogs. We run the gamut of domestic pets, exotic pets, farm animals and even wildlife. Our content is developed by a trusted team of animal experts, veterinarians, and even regular pet parents. This range of voices has been gathered to provide a unique mixture of professional expertise and real-world, firsthand experience.
Need to reach us? Send a message using the form below:
The Team
Jeanne Melanson

Jeanne is the founder of Animal Bliss. Originally from Nova Scotia, Canada she has lived in the United States for more than 20 years now. She is deeply passionate about animals of all kinds and started this site to share that love with others.
Her own animal experience is vast, having raised and rescued Alpine Goats, Chickens, Turkeys, Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pigs, Turtles, Raccoons, Cats, Dogs, and even an Opossum and Bearded Dragon.
Over the years of building this platform, she has assembled a team of contributors to share their unique knowledge and expertise of the animal kingdom with animal lovers around the world.
Kevin Sando
Kevin is a pet industry entrepreneur and the founder of MyDogLikes – which has been a trusted resource for dog parents for more than a decade. He currently works in web development and has a degree in mechanical engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is passionate about merging this technical background with his love of animals and creating online communities for like minded pet lovers to learn and share.
After many years focusing on the dog world, he is excited to be broadening his horizons to all animals and continuing on with the legacy that Jeanne has built with Animal Bliss.
Kevin’s personal animal family has consisted of dogs, cats and a variety of fish.
More info coming soon!
Your information about Bearded Dragons absorbing wayer theough their skin is FALSE!!!!! YOU’RE GOING TO CAUSE HARM WITH THE WRONG HUSBANDRY
Thanks for the comment, Sherrie. I have removed that statement.
Bearded dragons don’t asorb water through their skin at all. Their skin is waterproof there for they can’t asorb it. Only from the mouth can they drink
Hey Jeanne,
I like your story and life style helpful for animals.Good Work. Keep it up.
Thank you, Natasha. Peace
Jeanne, I finished the article about binoculars/spotting scopes for you, I’m not sure if you got my email though because it’s been acting up lately. Anyways, the article is attached to that email.
Will Scott
Hello Jeanne,
Need some help. I got a bearded dragon a 4 weeks ago, and the first few weeks she was doing great. Eating crickets, moving, basking etc.
The last few days, she lost her apetite, and hasn’t move lots, also her skin has become darker.
Any tips for me?
Joe, It’s difficult for me to say from here. Do you have adequate lighting for her for a certain length of day? Does she get water? (I have to give my Shirley her water with an eye-dropper. Otherwise, she won’t drink it.) Does she look like she might start shedding? They slow down a bit as far as appetite goes. Are you able to take your outside into the sun for 15 minutes or so (preferably daily)? If you do that I can almost guarantee she’ll brighten up in color. Is she getting calcium to prevent crippling bone deformity? Is she young? old? A neglected rescue? So many factors here. If she loses weight, I’d recommend finding a vet that works with reptiles. Good luck to you. I hope your girl picks up.
I don’t know why I never found this before, but I am glad I did now. You’ve always come across as someone I like even though I don’t know you. I knew you loved animals as I do. I found it interesting describing yourself as a deep thinker, a loner, an introvert, and could be a recluse. That’s me. Totally. People have always put me down for it, but that’s their problem, not mine.
Hey, sister! We certainly belong to a class of our own. I love it though. I know what you mean about people putting you down for it. With me, I’m sure people thought I was stuck-up. But I was just being me. All the best to you. Peace out
Thank you, Ann. I will go visit your Facebook page and keep you in mind. Thanks for stopping by!
great blog. You may find this blog about animals from a kid’s perspective of interest:
Thanks so much! I stopped by your blog and read the article on Pompeii and the animals there. I’ve always been curious about Pompeii. I love your blog! All the best.
Hi there
Happy to connect with you on LInkedIn and saw you are a blogger, looked you up and here I am. I love your philosophy on life and totally understand your passion for animals. I have 7 dogs and restrain myself from getting more, lol.
I will be back to visit and read more.
Happy trails
Thanks for checking out my blog, Donna. I appreciate that. You have 7 dogs! Wow. You go, girl. I’d have a house full of them if I could. In fact, we’re getting into the business of dog sitting, so that may happen yet. 🙂 Right now we only have one dog, one cat, and a bearded dragon named Shirley. Come back soon! 🙂
Jeanne, your story is very touching! I rescued 4 dogs, and buried all but 1. I am fond of all of them, and especially of the time I got to spend with them, bless their sweet mutt hearts!
It is great to see there are other people who will look after a sick and dying animal, especially since it’s usually dog owners who left them in that unfortunate state. What you are doing is the most beautiful work, and it was a real pleasure reading all these lovely comments about rescuing as well 🙂
Oh, thank you, Kate. You’re very kind to say all those nice things. Thanks for the rescuing you’ve done too. They really, really need people like us. I love hearing others’ stories about rescue, especially the ones with the happy endings. 🙂 I appreciate you taking the time to read my About Me page too. 🙂 Don’t be stranger!
I can’t even describe how much I LOVE your Facebook posts. I made sure to get notifications every time you post anything. SO many of your posts make me smile inside and out or even bring tears to my eyes because they touch my heart so much. I share them with my husband when he comes home from work because he loves ALL animals as much as I do.
Our favorite dates and our favorite travels involve one kind of animal or another as much as possible. We feed a variety of wildlife in our yard all year around and take photos of them every time we get a chance too.
We raised our 5 kids (2 boys 3 girls who are all adults on their own now) to love and care about animals as much as we do. When they were growing up (homeschooled them more years than not.) we/they had various pets over the years, dogs, cats, a garter snake, a toad in a vivarium with deep soil for him to bury himself in etc, a walking stick and two different praying mantises (separately).
The kids and us also rescued countless ferile kittens. The kids would find them and bring them in house to bathe them bc they would always be filthy. Then wrap them in baby blankets I collected from yard sales and they would stand downtown by stores with them until they convinced people to adopt them to save them from life on streets even in middle of winter.
They found an injured brown bat who couldn’t fly, had been attacked by cats. So brought him in house and we took care of him for 24 hours until I could find a professional bat rehab.
We rescued 2 newborn birds who we made 100% sure were abandoned before taking them, eyes were still closed and were bald. Had to feed every 2 hrs day and night YAWNNNN! lol Had one for 3 days and one for a week (2 separate times) until found professional rehab for them. Everytime we rescued wild animal the people who would give us pro rehab contact #s would warn me that in MI it’s against the law for me to take in a wild animal. I told them that I would accept any fine or punishment if I HAD to to get them safely to rehab because I was NOT going to leave them outside to die in meantime. They never fined me after all.
Son rescued an injured honeybee that couldn’t fly.. The kids brought him nectar flowers and a sponge of sugar water and he would sit in their bare hands and eat. After a week he could fly again so they released him.
These days my husband and I just feed wildlife in our yard and live with our Oriental Shorthair cat and Cockatiel and spoil our 3 granddoggies too.
My husband and I are admittedly OBSESSED with animals and never tire of seeing them or hearing about them.
LOVE your Facebook posts and blog. : )
Yvonne, Wow! What a great comment you left! I’m glad to hear of all your experiences with animals. So awesome. You sound a lot like my boyfriend and I. It’s cool that you’re in Michigan. We are too! We’re 1/2 between Muskegon and Ludington. Right now we’re feeding a female Coopers Hawk and a Male Groshawk. Jon has a platform out back where he places roadkill for them. It’s wonderful to watch them come in and feed everyday. It’s been such a rough winter for the birds. We have tons of regular wild birds too, so this help to keep the hawks away from them. 🙂 Thanks for making yourself known to me. Don’t be stranger, ok? Let me know when you’re around — here or on my Facebook page. Peace!
I am an animal lover too. Good for you rescuing all of the ones you have!
Thank you, Richard. I can’t help myself. 🙂
Ahh animals are the light in my life. I am one who prefer animals to most humans. I have done TNR well over 20 years and feed a colonoy of cats. I would have a zoo if I could.
I would have a zoo if I could too, Ellen. We’re one-of-a-kind. Take care, and please come again. 🙂
i love animals very much too
I’m glad to hear that, Dina. They certainly deserve all the love they can get! 🙂
i love animals so much too
love reading your page
Thank you, Joy. I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Take care!
how amazing! It’s wonderful how much you love animals
Thank you, Kayle. They’re my passion. Come back soon, now.
I used to volunteer at the Human Society, it is very fulfilling working with animals, I can see why you have had so many different pets. Have you ever considered going into veterinary medicine?
Hello! I could never volunteer at a Humane Society. My house just wouldn’t be big enough for all those forlorn faces looking up at me. But I so admire you for doing that. Bless you. I have often thought about veterinary medicine but I’m not smart enough. lol I have dreamed of working with wild animals in some fashion. Maybe I’ll get to do that yet. Who knows? Thanks for your comment!
ooo nice
You post some really cute stuff on Facebook. My favorite recently was that bird that danced to the Ray Charles song. It’s one of my favorite song from the Blues Brothers soundtrack.
Thanks, Jayne. Yes, that parrot is the coolest things. The way he’d shake it head is so funny. Isn’t it strange, how they seem to like music and dance? Anyway, I’m really glad my Facebook page led you here. Come back soon, ya hear?
I am so Happy that your posts started showing up on my timeline. I think what you post is soooooooo interesting. I love animals and can not even list what animals I have helped. Raised on a farm on Vermont tells you a lot. Let’s just say one of my favorite pets was a bat. I am a loner and I analyze everything..to the extreme. I am curious, what state do you live in? I am 57, and had enough cold, planning on moving to Virginia soon. Thanks for sharing:)
Interesting, Kathleen. It seems we do have a lot in common. I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts on your timeline. Yes, you being raised in Vermont on a farm certainly does tell me a lot. It’s cool your favorite pet was a bat. Do you have pictures and a story to tell? I’ve been living in Michigan (cold here too) for the past 25-ish years. I’m originally from Nova Scotia, Canada. I’m 58 and am tired of the cold too, and we’ve talked about moving to W.Virginia. How do you like that for commonality? 🙂 I hope you’ll visit my blog again soon. Take care!
Thanks for the reply. I had to say we do seem to have a lot in common. My Beautiful “Teddy Bear” bat was so cute:) My Dad took it away from me as he was worried about disease . Not sure what he did, I only hope he let him go. I cried real bad, I also road a calf, and my Dad made me a halter, I rode my calf down the dirt road and visited other farms. They remembered it for years!! When my Dad and Grandfather could not handle farming anymore because of their backs, they had an auction and I cred my heart out.. The calf was now a Heifer , and my Dad let me keep another baby calf, but it was not the same…..There are so many good memories that they are close to my heart forever. My Dad passed 3 years ago and I feel lost. We had a family Christmas Tree Farm and it was huge and fun.. I painted the shed candy cane, and put Santa faced on the tree’s leading up the dirt windy road..Memories…….
It sounds like you had a lovely childhood, minus the heartbreak of losing animals. Such a kind soul, you are. I’m glad you have such fine memories of your Dad and I’m sorry to hear he passed away. (Mine has too.) Nothing can quite replace such sweet visions in our heads. Peace
P.S. I’ve started doing research on Tapirs. 🙂
Have a quick question How did you pick West Virginia? I am hearing there is personal property taxes in Virginia, which bothers me some. But my grandfather was born and raised there and my Mom lived there when she was young. Just curious. Michigan is cold your near those Great lakes, But Vermont is very cold too..sick of the cold..:):)
Kathleen, my boyfriend and his daughter go to W Virginia almost every year to go white water rafting. Jon just loves it there and dreams of living in that area someday. I was there years ago and loved it too. Don’t know anything about personal property taxes. We’d better check that out. Thanks
This is good reading..
Great. Thanks you, Kathleen. Checking it out now.
Animals make everything better. (: happy to subscribe!!
Awesome, Sophia! Thank you for subscribing! 🙂
I love animals <3
Yay, Laura. Thank you for checking out my page. I hope you’ll come back for another visit sometime! Peace
Great about page! It’s always fun finding new blogger buddies! 🙂
Hey, blogger buddy! 🙂 I’m glad you like my About page. I appreciate you.
I am a really big animal lover. I came because of the giveaway but have joined your blog to see what it is like. Thanks
Awesome! I hope you enjoy reading my posts, Susan. I write about quite an assortment of animals. If you have thoughts or ideas about what you would like to read about, don’t hesitate to tell me. Peace!
love about me pages!
Thank you, Molly! I’m glad you stopped by!
What a great blog. Thank you so much for hosting.
Thank YOU so much for stopping by! 🙂
Great blog(: Nice to meet you! I love animals as well(:
Thanks, Alicia! I hope you’ll come back from time to time and have a look around. peace
Huge animal lover! Fantastic blog
Thanks, Michelle! I’m glad you are enjoying my blog. Peace!
Major animal lover here. This is an awesome blog!
Thank you, Lora! I hope you’ll be a regular reader!
all the best to you
Thank you very much, Bogdan. All the best to you as well.
Great Blog! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Happy New Year!
Thank you, Judy! I appreciate your comment. Happy New Year to you as well! Peace!
I found you using Google Search from our Cast Off FB page.
Cute site!
I came from a giveaway, but will come back because of content. I do rescue & am a wildlife rehabber, but mostly focus on dogs & cats. I so enjoyed the Beagle video because I just rescued 2 abused & abandoned Beagles. The female is a puppy & what a pistol!
Just wanted to say hi & send some love to another animal person.
Hey Jeanne,
great to know you are Canadian… and most of all, very happy that you met the “guy” of your dreams.. living life with a loving life companion is GRAND..