Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays, Chicken Wire?

Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays

What’s this about Chicken Wire?

Holidays can be an exciting, yet overwhelming time for your pet.  Allow me to share with you some ways to keep your pet safe that you may not be thinking of.  Chicken wire, though?  Huh?

Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays
Photo Credit: Sindre Sorhus, Flickr

1. Be careful with those decorations!

Most people decorate a tree for the holidays.  Be mindful of your pets with those decorations because some of them are quite fragile and breakable, which can cause quite a bit of damage to a pet’s mouth if they decide to bite down on it.  Keep the lower ornaments out of your pet’s reach.

Tinsel – we’ve all seen tinsel come out of … well, the other end of an animal.  They do tend to get it swallowed, somehow.  Without doing a lot of research about this, I’ll bet that it can also cause some harm if the tinsel wraps itself about some internal organs as well.  Please correct me if I’m wrong.

NOTE:  I just did a little research after all on tinsel and cats (and dogs too).  Here’s what I found.  Pet Poison Helpline says:

Pretty though it may be, tinsel is a common cause of feline bowel obstruction.  After a cat ingests the tinsel they are unable to pass it through their intestines.  Once stuck, the cat tries to vomit it out but cannot and will need surgery to remove the blockage.  Cat lovers may want to go tinsel free or tinsel light until you know if your cat can resist the shiny temptation.

So there you have it.

And, please be aware that Mistletoe can be very dangerous if your pet ingests it. 

It might be a good idea to divert your pet’s attention to the tree by getting them a new toy to play with.

Or … this may seem totally off-subject, but bear with me here … this is where the chicken wire comes into play.

Photo Credit: Mark Lorch, Flickr
Photo Credit: Mark Lorch, Flickr

Years ago, I read a book about a boy and a pet raccoon named “Rascal” by Sterling North. Have you read it?  You may have heard of it, at least.  It’s a classic.  If you haven’t read it, I recommend it.  It’s a nice, heart-warming story.

Rascal was just a baby when the two met and they spent a year together before the boy had to let him go out into the wild.  (I’ve had this very same experience.  Twice!)   Anyway, the reason I mention this here is, if I recall correctly, they had to put chicken wire around the Christmas tree in order to keep Rascal from creating havoc!

So you could do something like that to keep your pets safe.  Okay, so maybe I’ve taken this too far.  I digress.  🙂  But the book would make a great gift for you or someone you love, however.  Just sayin’.  Now, where was I?  Oh yeah.

 2. Don’t Feed Bad Things to Your Animal

Our pets really don’t need sweets and people treats.  They really don’t, although your dog will try to convince you otherwise.  But some people food can cause digestive problems in your pets.  Don’t do that to your pet.  Make them a special treat, if you must, but make it something that dogs and cats, or whatever type of pet you have, can eat safely.

3.  No Booze for Fido or Fluffy!

I shouldn’t even have to put this here, but I’ve known a person or two that thought it was funny to give their dogs booze.  Don’t.  Just DON’T.  Okay?  My “ways to keep your pet safe during the holidays” does not include booze.  Period.

4.Stress Free Environment

For those pets that are nervous or anxious around a lot of people and/or noise, provide with them a quite spot where they can retreat if things get overwhelming for them.  They’ll love having a safety zone, away from the hubbub.  Be sure to provide food and water for them, and their favorite toys, of course.

Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays, Chicken Wire? Share on X


Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays
Photo Credit: Kyle Rokos, Flickr

Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays

Have a safe and joyous holiday!


I hope you have enjoyed my blog.

You might also like: Going Away for a Week? Here’s What to Do with Your Dog


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As always, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!

Jeanne Melanson



Jeanne Melanson
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9 thoughts on “Ways to Keep your Pet Safe over the Holidays, Chicken Wire?”

  1. I’m so glad that none of our three big dogs have the slightest interest in our tree or any of the other decorations! Thanks for sharing at the Homestead Blog Hop!

  2. I wish I could get my husband to listen to #2! No matter what time of year it is. Our poor Rottweiler (7 years old now) gets all the table scraps: from filet mignon to soup to cinnamon rolls. I feel so bad for him. I keep thinking in my head “one day, our pup is gonna have a coronary.”

    Great great article. Love this. Thank you for always blogging for our loving pets and giving them a voice.

    • My husband is a sucker for big brown eyes too. It’s hard to resist, I know, but we’re not doing them any favors by feeding them people food. Filet mignon? Lucky dog! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, Danielle! I appreciate you. 🙂


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