Jade the German Shepherd Saves Baby Girl

Jade the German Shepherd Saves Baby Girl

Baby Named in Honor

This is a lovely, true story about a German Shepherd named “Jade” and a baby girl he found in a park one cold morning, abandoned.

After Jade found the baby girl, he led Roger Wilday, a 68 year-old retired engineer, to her.  The baby had been stuffed into a bag, only a few hours old, and with the umbilical cord still attached.  Mr. Wilday immediately called authorities and within minutes police and an ambulance arrived at the park.

Jade the German Shepherd

The infant, now known as “Baby Jade,” was named after her four-legged furry hero, who is likely responsible for saving her life.

“She is a hero dog,” said Wilday. “There was no one else in the park at the time and it was very cold. If it wasn’t for Jade that baby could have been dead.”
The baby is expected to make a full recovery thanks to Jade the German Shepherd, her savior.

SOURCE:   http://www.godvine.com/read/bopsy-352.html


In memory of my German Shepherd, Star.  Died 10/2013, 14 years old.

Star, 14 years old
Star, 14 years old


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And remember … Speak kind to a stranger, cause you never know … it just might be an angel, come knocking at your door.


Jeanne Melanson, Animal Bliss - a very cool blog about animals.

Jeanne Melanson, Animal Bliss - a very cool blog about animals.

♥ Peace ♥

Jeanne Melanson
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5 thoughts on “Jade the German Shepherd Saves Baby Girl”

  1. Dogs are so amazing! I love them so much….this is a sad, but good story in the end. It’s sad that someone would do that to their baby. I really hope that she is adopted by a very loving family. Thank God for sending that dog to save her! Beautiful 🙂

  2. We had a German Shepherd when I was just old enough to crawl. Her name was Heidi. I can tell many stories of Heidi’s heroics with the 7 siblings but I’ll only tell my story.

    My mother put me outside in a penned in area and went back into the house to get some toys. Unfortunately she left the gate open. I crawled out into the street as a car came speeding down it. Heidi grabbed me by the diaper and pulled me back before the car got to me. The man who lived on the opposite side of the street had had a stroke that left him unable to walk. . . he watched in horror as the even unfolded. If not for Heidi, I wouldn’t be here or even gotten to the point where I learned to walk!! Shepherds are so loyal and very defensive of their family.

    Thanks for a heart warming post!


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