How to Keep Your House Clean and Safe for Your Pet

Keep Your House Clean and Safe for Your Pet

When you have pets, you should be a responsible pet owner who likes to keep your house clean and safe for your pet by maintaining a clean environment. Here are some of the best ways to ensure safety for the long life of your pet.

Have Safety Gates in Strategic Locations

You can find safety gates for your home that will protect your cats and dogs from the dangers in a kitchen while you are preparing a meal. A safety gate across the top of a stairway can keep an older dog or cat from falling down the steps, as well as protect a wobbly kitten or puppy. Place safety gates in any location where you believe a pet may incur an injury.

Keep a Home’s Window’s Closed

A curious pet can fall from an open window in a multistory building, or the animal can escape and run into traffic outside your home. Window screens won’t necessarily keep a pet inside away from harm, so you should make sure to keep the windows closed, or you can use special window guards over the flimsy window screens.

See Also
Keeping Dog and Child Interactions Safe – Dog Safety

Use Natural Household Cleansers

To eliminate stains from pet accidents, professional carpet cleaning is essential for your home, but you should make sure that the technicians use non-toxic shampoos. A dog or cat may lick a wet carpet, or the animals might recline on the carpeting. If the shampoo that was used to remove the ugly stains or deeply embedded debris is poisonous, you could have a pet that develops a serious illness.

Security Camera Systems

Some homeowners install security camera systems to watch their children, but you can also use the devices to keep track of your beloved pets. With several cameras in your home, you can watch dogs and cats in various rooms by using a smartphone or a computer. With these electronic devices, you can monitor your pets while you are away from home.

Wrap and Hide Electrical Cords

Some animals enjoy chewing on found objects, so if you have electrical cords on the floor near lamps, televisions or computers, your cats and dogs can chew on the items, leading to a dangerous shock. However, you can find devices that you can use to wrap up the electrical wires so that you can hide the items from your pets.

Where Can You Buy Pet Safety Equipment and Nontoxic Cleansers?

You can find nontoxic cleansers and pet safety equipment at local and online pet stores.

“How to Keep Your House Clean and Safe for Your Pet”

Guest Writer: Lizzie Weakley (see BIO below)

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Do you have other ideas on how to keep your house clean and safe for your pet(s)?

Lizzie Weakley
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