How to Provide Care for a Dog with Allergies

Caring for a Dog with Allergies

People often think of dogs as activating allergic reactions in others. Pet dander can turn many individuals into itching and sneezing messes. Many people aren’t aware, however, that dogs can be allergy sufferers themselves. If your pooch is one of these, then these care options can be immensely helpful in providing care for a dog with allergies.

How to Provide Care for a Dog with Allergies

Do Away with Problematic Allergens

If you want to safeguard your pooch from the discomfort of allergens, you should try to eliminate any and all of them to the best of your ability. Dust is a big issue for many canines. If you have dust concerns, you should aim to wash your canine’s bedding weekly at least. Regular home vacuuming can also help. Don’t only focus on vacuuming your carpet. Zero in on drapes, rugs and any fabrics that hold on to dust.

Schedule an Appointment with the Veterinarian

Set up an appointment for a checkup with your pet’s veterinarian. The veterinarian will conduct an in-depth physical examination of your little pup. Professionals, like those at, know that this may pinpoint the specific trigger. If the vet isn’t able to quickly determine the root cause, blood or skin assessments may be a good next step. Elimination diets may help you figure out what exactly is going on, too.

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Ask about Medicine Options

Various medications can come in handy for dogs that have allergies. Speak to your veterinarian about them. Fatty acid supplements can often be suitable for dogs that have to deal with persistent itchiness. Antihistamines, allergy injections, and immune-modulating choices can all potentially work out well, too. Your goal should be to find medications that can minimize symptoms of discomfort such as incessant licking, chewing of the paws, skin redness, sneezing, snoring, vomiting, and ear itchiness.

Bathe Your Pet on a Weekly Basis

Routine bathing can be useful for dogs that have to live with the discomfort of allergies. Baths can help manage incessant itching in dogs and can eliminate pollen that collects on canine skin as well. Consult with the veterinarian regarding prescription shampoos that are optimal for dogs with allergies. Refrain from using just any canine shampoo that you find. There are quite a few shampoo options out there that can be excessively drying to the delicate canine skin.

Allergies can make humans feel awful. They can make dogs feel just as bad. If you care for a dog with allergies and you want him to be his happy and energetic self again, these care options can work for you.

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How to Provide Care for a Dog with Allergies

Rachelle Wilber, Freelance WriterGuest Author: Rachelle Wilber  Rachelle tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow Rachelle on Twitter and Facebook

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6 thoughts on “How to Provide Care for a Dog with Allergies”

  1. Allergies can be really frustrating to deal with as a pet parent, and heartbreaking to watch your beloved suffer. We’ve found relief with Cytopoint, Apoquel, frequent baths, and Burow’s Solution.

  2. Great tips! Loved this site! I have a beautiful cocker spaniel, her name is honey rose and she is practically from the family. It is very important to know how to take good care of our pets, especially when they have some allergies


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