Safety Tips for Your Pets on Valentine’s Day

Safety Tips for Your Pets

on Valentine’s Day

The whole world celebrates love on Valentine’s Day, and this is the time many of them receive large bouquets of flowers, chocolates, candies, pastries, etc.  Some pet owners also celebrate Valentine’s Day with their pets, but treating dogs to chocolates or pastries can be harmful, as they contain a lot of sugar.

Safety Tips for Your Pets on Valentines Day infographic speaks of certain harmful, poisonous, even toxic substances to your pets

Also, if you have placed the flower bouquet on a table stand or some other place where it is accessible to your dog, he is sure to smell it and may try to get a taste of it. It is suggested to be careful of the roses with thorns or flowers like lilies, which are poisonous for your dog.

199 Poisonous Plants That are a Danger to You and Your Pets

If you want to gift something to your dog, there are several pet-safe treats you can give him. Many people consider gifting a puppy or a kitten as a gift on Valentine’s Day to their loved ones, but that is never a good idea. You never know if the person has enough time or energy to take care of the pet. Pets are like children and taking care of them is a full-time job.

Click here for more detail regarding these safety tips for pets on Valentine’s Day.

Safety Tips for Your Pets on Valentines Day infographic speaks of certain harmful, poisonous, even toxic substances to your pets

Many thanks to for allowing us to use their Safety Tips for Your Pets infographic.

Chocolate is Toxic to Dogs: What to do if Yours Gets Into Your Stash

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Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too

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Jeanne Melanson
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