5 Reasons To Try Dog Daycare – Check it out

5 Reasons To Try Dog Daycare

Adopting or rescuing a dog is a wonderful experience for any family. While this is a very rewarding thing to do on so many levels, there are some challenges for the busy household. If you do decide to bring a new puppy or older dog into your home and you are away at work during the day, you need to have a safe place for your furry family member. One idea is to confine them to a crate, giving them a quiet space to rest in for the day. While this is a great idea for some dogs not all of them will take to this. For the more active animals, a different solution may be needed. Here are a few reasons to try dog daycare.

5 Reasons To Try Dog Daycare

Consider A Local Dog Daycare Center

Parents aren’t the only ones who realize the benefits of daycare, but pet owners can as well. A local dog daycare like Finger Lakes Pet Resort can provide a safe and fun environment for your pup while allowing them to play and interact with other dogs. Before choosing one make sure you tour the facility and meet some of the staff. You also want to make sure all other dogs are up to date on their vaccinations to help prevent the spread of illness between them. Following are 5 reasons why doggy daycare works so well for the busy household:

5 reasons to try dog daycare

Makes Your Dog Extremely Tired

The dogs will typically be running and playing in a group together for most of the day. This is a natural way for them to get physical exercise and the mental stimulation their brains need on a regular basis. As long as your dog enjoys the company of multiple dogs, this will be an enjoyable experience for them and one they look forward to.

Related: Selecting a Dog Daycare: Some Important Things to Consider

Reduces Destructive Tendencies In Your Home

This really goes hand in hand with the first point above. This type of environment helps your dog work off a lot of energy which would otherwise be focused on your home. You will realize that the day after they are at daycare they will still be quite tired and will spend much of the day resting. Just one or two days a week can really work wonders for your active canine.

5 reasons to try dog daycare

Socializes Them With Other Dogs

When touring and ultimately choosing a facility you want to find one that allows the dogs to interact off leash, under supervision, for extended periods of time. This helps them learn how to communicate with each other and to respect their boundaries. Dogs have a unique way of interacting, especially in a pack or larger group. If the daycare facility allows it, try to spend some time observing this interaction. You will be surprised at how your dog interacts in a group setting.

Related: The Benefits of Socialization for Your Dog 

Socializes Them With Other People

It is just as important that your dog learns how to socialize with other people as he does with other dogs. Your dog will be interacting with the staff members which will boost his confidence, make him more reliable around others, and help him realize that he can trust the people that you trust. The end result will be a dog that you are confident taking out into public places.

5 reasons to try dog daycare

Makes You Feel Better As A Pet Owner

Once you see how much your canine family member enjoys going to daycare you will feel a lot of joy. Your dog is part of the family and deserves to be happy and well socialized even when you are not around. Taking them to daycare just once or twice per week can really work wonders for his overall health and well-being.

Image Sources: PublicDomainPictures.net


“5 Reasons to Try Dog Daycare – Check it Out”

Author Bio: James McDonald has a very active rescue puppy who loves going to daycare, and an older Golden who just loves to sleep. James also writes for BestVacuumFor.com, a website dedicated to helping people find the right vacuum for a variety of needs including pet hair.

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

5 Reasons To Try Dog Daycare - Check it out Share on X



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Jeanne Melanson, Founder of Animal Bliss, a very cool blog about animals - wildlife and domestic too

Animal Bliss - A really cool blog about Animals - domestic pets and wildlife too.

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7 thoughts on “5 Reasons To Try Dog Daycare – Check it out”

  1. It’s never easy to leave our furry family members behind at home- I used to feel so guilty about going to work for hours and hours. But since I started taking my pup to doggy day care I feel much better about it! And bonus, no need for a long walk after work (which I should still do, for myself…).

  2. This is some really good information about dog daycare. I have been considering getting a puppy this Christmas. I will need a place for him to stay while I am at work. So, it is good to know that having him go to a daycare will help tire him out and make him more manageable when I get home.

  3. I always thought that doggy daycare was silly. I am very frugal and that just seemed like a waste of money. Recently I had to board my dog. I was so upset. It seemed like it was so mean. I went to the place and it was amazing! It was like the coolest camp ever. My dog came home happy, healthy and tired. It was awesome. I now have a totally different take on it.

    • I know exactly what you mean, Kelly, about thinking doggy daycare being silly. I used to think that too. And then, one day, like you, I had to board my two dogs and felt awful about it. When I got back, they were so happy. You could tell they’d been well taken care of and the staff was great. Thanks for visiting my site!


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