7 Reasons Your Family Needs a Dog

7 Reasons your Family Needs a Dog

Guest Writer:  Lizzie Weakley

Dogs can add to the quality of your life in many ways. Anyone who has had a dog for a companion knows what great pets they are. If you’ve never had a dog, you have been missing out on a great experience. Here are seven reasons why your family should get a dog as soon as possible.

7 Reasons your Family Needs a Dog

1. Dogs are Great Companions for Kids

Any family that has kids should definitely get a dog. Dogs not only provide kids with loyal friends, they also teach them about responsibility. Kids can share the tasks of feeding and walking the dog. Dogs are also make great playmates for kids.

2. They Will Keep You Safer

You don’t need a trained guard dog to make your home safer. Dogs are one of the most effective deterrents against burglary and other crimes. Intruders don’t want to deal with a barking dog, much less one that might bite them. Simply having a dog around will make your home, property and family a great deal safer.

3. Gives You a Reason to Exercise

Walking or running with your dog forces you to leave the house and get some exercise. Dogs love hiking in the woods, swimming and running. You can even ride on a bicycle next to your dog. When you have a dog, you don’t need a personal trainer.

4. Good For Your Physical and Emotional Health

Research shows that people with pets are healthier and live longer. Having a constant companion who’s always loyal and friendly is good for your emotional health. This is especially true for lonely people, but it’s also good if you have a family. A dog can be a great companion when no one else feels like listening to your problems.

5. Dogs are Fun to Train

Training your dog gives you a chance to learn more about animal behavior and provides you with many hours of interesting and enjoyable activities. You’ll find that dogs are eager to learn and please their human companions. A well trained dog makes for an especially good pet and one you can show off to your friends and the neighborhood.

6. There’s a Perfect Breed of Dog for Every Family

One of the best things about dogs is that there are so many breeds that there’s a perfect type for everyone. You can choose the dog of the size and temperament that suits you. Find a reputable breeder or seller and pick the type that fits your family’s needs. For example, Red Fern Companions specializes in English Golden Retrievers.

7. Dogs Make Excellent Companions for Elderly or Disabled People

If someone in your family is elderly or disabled, a dog can help to make this person’s life better. Dogs can be trained to bring medication to people and help them get around safely. They also provide emotional support to people who might otherwise have to spend many hours alone.

These are some of the reasons that a dog would make the perfect addition to your family. There’s hardly any type of household where a canine companion would not improve life for everyone. It’s just a matter of choosing the type of dog that will be the best fit for your family.

7 Reasons Your Family Needs a Dog” was written by Guest Writer:  Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. She enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky, Snowball.

If you like Lizzie’s writing style, follow her on Twitter @LizzieWeakley or find her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lizzie.weakley


7 Reasons Your Family Needs a Dog #dogs Share on X


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What is your favorite breed of dog?  Pure-bred? Mutt?


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It’s just sexy!


Jeanne Melanson, founder and blogger at Animal Bliss: a very cool blog about animals - domestic pets and wildlife too


Lizzie Weakley
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6 thoughts on “7 Reasons Your Family Needs a Dog”

  1. My son loves dogs so much, dogs help him take care himself and teach him about responsibility. Dog is always a loyal friends with my son.

  2. The human-dog bond is definitely the work of nature. No matter how sad your day has been, coming to your dog simply brings smiles to your face…

  3. I really liked #7. I think having a dog (or cat) can make all the difference to the elderly. Dogs especially give them a reason to keep moving and get out for walks. The companionship and unconditional love surely means the world to them as well.

    Very nice article, Lizzie! 🙂

    • On behalf of Lizzie, I thank you for your comment, Elaine. I had a dog that I used to take with me on my Hospice visits years ago. It happened a couple of times that someone who hadn’t spoken for a long time reacted to my dog. Dogs (all animals) are so special and can be very beneficial. Thanks so much for stopping by.

      And yes, I do dislike walking my dog in the winter. 😉 I don’t like the cold. But I do know how much they love the hikes, so I am compelled to go. Watching them romp always makes it worthwhile. I enjoyed your article. I never knew about Musher’s Secret. I’ll have to look into that. Also, the section about ice and leashes?

      I had to laugh out loud at a memory that popped up. Picture me, being pulled along the ice, with a male goat on the other end. Yes, mating season, and the female was up the road a bit. But that’s a whole other story. Thanks for the smiles.


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