Is Your Tap Water Safe for Your Pets?

Tap water often contains impurities that can cause health problems for you and your pets. These include phosphate, nitrate, chlorine, and various heavy metals (see fuller list below). High levels of phosphate and nitrate fuel aggressive algae growth, and copper, often present in tap water due to leaching from pipes, is highly toxic to invertebrates, for example. Public water systems can contain certain levels of bacteria. Is your tap water safe for your pets?

Is your tap water safe for your pets? Is your tap water safe for your pets? Tap water often contains impurities that can cause health problems for you and your pets. Is it time to consider purifying your water?
Lee Martin, Flickr

It’s important to consider what we supply to our cats and dogs to drink every day. Animals, like us, are about 80% water. Water is important! Let’s not forget our reptiles, most of which absorb their hydration through their skin.

Many people drink bottled water but still give their pets the tap water they themselves will not drink. Why should we give our animals water that we consider lower quality?

Besides, bottled water is not only wasteful and expensive, but it’s also a huge environmental disaster waiting to happen. In reality, it’s not necessarily better than what already comes out of our taps anyway.

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Is Your Tap Water Safe for Your Pets?

Have a look at the infographic below to see some of the dangers involved in giving your pets regular, impure tap water.

Is Your Tap water safe for your pets?

Is Your Tap Water Safe for Your Pets?

Maybe it’s time reconsider your tap water for the safety of you and your pets. Is it necessary to begin filtering your tap water? It may be. Filtered water may remove many potential sickness-causing organisms or metals from being ingested, including Fluoride, which as been shown to cause bone cancer.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a filtration system that purifies water. It is a method of taking out almost all impurities from your drinking water. According to Reverse Osmosis Purified, some of the main toxic contaminants that the reverse osmosis system removes are:

  • Arsenic – is an element naturally found in air, soil and earth. It can be found in tap water through natural means or agricultural practices. Large amounts of arsenic in drinking water has been shown to have higher rates of lung cancer, leukemia, and stomach cancer.
  • Antimony
  • Aluminum
  • Beryllium
  • Cadmium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Chlorine – in drinking water is often used to reduce the risks of pathogens and diseases. Although chlorine is used as a chemical agent to prevent diseases, the chlorine itself has been known to cause cancer and diminished health in many people. A study in the medical college of Wisconsin found that people who regularly drink water with chlorine had a higher chance of getting bladder and rectal cancer as much as 80% versus people who drink clean purified water.
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Fluoride – has been known to be very toxic at certain levels of concentrations and when it is put in tap water, the amount of fluoride cannot be controlled. This is especially dangerous for people and animals with weak kidneys and need to drink lots of water throughout the day. Ingesting large amounts of fluoride can cause damage to soft tissues such as kidneys, the brain, and even bones.
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Mercury
  • Nitrate
  • Potassium
  • Radium – is naturally found in rocks, soil, and ground water. Radium is considered a hazard when ingested because when it enters the body only a small amount of it is digested into the intestines. The rest of the chemical is distributed throughout the body. Some places that the radium can enter is the bone tissue. When this happens it can cause serious damage over time, including bone cancer and bone fractures.
  • Radon
  • Selenium
  • Silver
  • Sodium
  • Sulfate
  • Thallium
  • Zinc

Reverse Osmosis has been known to be one of the best methods in purifying unclean water which can then be used for drinking. It removes virtually everything from tap water, including essential minerals. Therefore, it may be necessary to add the essential minerals back into you and your pet’s daily routines.

SOURCE:  What is Your Pet DrinkingReverse Osmosis Purified


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3 thoughts on “Is Your Tap Water Safe for Your Pets?”

  1. A lot of people would not think to give attention to the water that they give their pets, but it is the case that it might not be safe. Thank you for sharing all of this information!

  2. In my experienced, I make sure I give special attention on my pets. I always give them filtered water. Pets are like humans too. They can be prone to sickness.


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