P is for Pigbutt Worm, Flying Buttocks : A-Z of Cool Animals

Pigbutt Worm

A-Z Collection of Really Cool Animals

A-Z Collection of Cool Animals April 2015 Challenge

P is for Pigbutt Worm

The Pigbutt Worm, otherwise known as “Flying Buttocks” is clearly a strange one. Its Latin scientific name is Chaetopterus pugaporcinus, which means, roughly “resembling a pig’s rear.”

P is for Pigbutt Worm (4)

  • The pigbutt worm is about the size of an acorn.
  • It was found living in the ocean between 3,000 to 4,000 feet (900 to 1,200 meters) deep.
  • Pigbutt worms have been observed floating with their mouths surrounded by a cloud of plankton-trapping mucus, which they use to capture particles of food.
  • The worm has a segmented body. The middle segments are highly inflated, giving the animal a round shape.
  • They are five to ten times larger than any known chaetopterid larvae.
  • Scientists aren’t exactly sure what the pigbutt worm really is. Is it a very large baby worm larva, or an adult worm?
Pig Butt
Credit: Patricia Barden, Flickr

Sources for P is for Pigbutt Worm: Wikipedia


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It’s just sexy!

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Jeanne Melanson

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Jeanne Melanson
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9 thoughts on “P is for Pigbutt Worm, Flying Buttocks : A-Z of Cool Animals”

    • Yes, it could be very dangerous, and is probably why some animals have become very sick or died as a result of eating certain kinds of pet food. It’s very disturbing, Sandy, isn’t it? Hey, I’m glad you took the time to visit my blog tonight! I’ll go check out your Wordless Wednesday post. Come back soon!

    • You are welcome, Michele. I love doing research on weird and odd creatures, and then sharing what I’ve learned. I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I see you’ve got more great musicians features on your “P is for …” A-Z series. On my way over there now! 🙂


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