Shirley Has Awakened, 25 Days Sleep

Shirley Has Awakened!

Shirley has awakened!  Shirley is my Bearded Dragon.  She has been going through a process that Bearded Dragons go through called “brumation.”  It’s a lighter version of a bear’s hibernation and the process varies from dragon to dragon.  Some sleep for days, some for weeks, some even for months. Shirley Has Awakened I was glad because I missed my Shirley.  I’m used to handling her every day and holding her at night.  So yes, I was glad. IMG_2065 (2) But, alas  … the next day, she was back to bed.   😥  It’s been two more days so far.  I guess I can’t blame her.  It’s cold outside. Hmm … I wonder how long she’ll sleep this time? IMG_2010_1

If you’re interested in learning more about brumation, check out this post :

 Bearded Dragon Brumation Symptoms, What Should I Do?

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Shirley has awakened! A sleeping bearded Dragon. #BeardedDragon, #Brumation Share on X


Jeanne Melanson
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9 thoughts on “Shirley Has Awakened, 25 Days Sleep”

    • Having a cat that is my (almost) constant companion helps a lot, Lindsay. 🙂 But I do miss Shirley and peek in on her when I get up, and before I go to bed, just to make sure she’s alright. She seems fine. Thanks for reading my post. I appreciate your visit and comment.

    • Hello, Maria! Nice of you to visit my blog today. It’s been 35 days or so that Shirley has been sleeping so far. I’ve heard of some that slept for 3 or 4 months. :/ That’s too long. 🙂 I check on my girl a couple of times a day to make sure she’s okay, and every now and then I will pick her up to judge whether she’s losing weight at all. (If all is well with them, they shouldn’t lose more than a couple of grams.) Sometimes she will crack open one eye, then shut it again. It’s not a konked out kind of sleep. It’s more of a very deep sleep. Thanks for your interest!

  1. Hey, Helen. Nice to see you here on my site. I’m glad you enjoy the articles and the different topics. I have fun looking for different odd-ball stuff to share. Hope all is well with you too! Stay well!

  2. Hey Jeannie, great blog! I know how much you miss your dragon when she goes into brumation. I know you love her! And I love you! Your Jon


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