A lot of people prefer having pets in their homes for companionship, entertainment, and in some cases, protection. Most of the time, cats and dogs are the most popular choices as pets. But if you want something out of the ordinary, consider these 4 types of miniature goats from which you can choose.
It’s uncommon to have goats as house animals, but having them as pets is as enjoyable as having cats and dogs. However, full-sized goat breeds may not be the right choice for a property with a limited area. They are more suitable on a farm.
The appropriate breeds are the miniature goats, which are similar in size to adult dogs. They became popular over the years because they are adorable, docile, and require less space. If you are planning to buy a miniature goat as a pet, here are 4 miniature goat breeds to consider.
4 Types of Mini Goats
1. Pygmy Goats
Pygmy goats originated from West Africa, particularly in Cameroon. They were raised mainly for meat and milk production. Comparably, the milk from pygmy goats is higher in calcium, potassium, phosphorous, and iron than that of full-sized goats. As pets, pygmy goats are about 21 inches in height, so they don’t need much space when rearing them. In addition to that, this small breed is submissive, and they forage well, making them an ideal choice.

2. Nigerian Dwarf Goat
These goats also originated from West Africa, and their height ranges from 17-19 inches for does and 19-21 inches for bucks. They are colorful and gentle, and if you feed them well, their milk is rich in butterfat milk. Nigerian dwarf goats have become popular as show goats, family pets, hobby goats, and milking goats.

3. Kinder Goats
The Kinder goat is a cross between a Nigerian Dwarf buck and a Nubian doe. They only weigh around 100-125 pounds, making them ideal for a small place. They are gentle and easy to take care. Apart from those characteristics, kinder goats are not only good as pets, but they are also excellent sources of milk and meat. Their milk is rich in butterfat, which provides you with excellent cheese.

4. Pygoras and Nigora Goats
The Pygora goat was primarily bred to recreate fiber in the Arizona Reservation. They are the result of breeding pygmy bucks with full-sized Angora Goats. Their coats are puffy and fluffy, making them adorable and huggable as pets. Pygora does weigh 65-75 pounds, and they are 22 inches tall. Meanwhile, bucks weigh 75-95 pounds with an average height of 27 inches. Mainly used for fiber production, a Pygora goat can grow any of the following fibers: mohair just like that of a full-grown Angora goat, cushy cashmere, or a combination of the two fibers.

Nigora goats, on the other hand, are the result of breeding Nigerian Dwarf bucks and Angora does. This miniature goat breed is about the same size as Pygoras, although they are not as heavy. They grow the same kind of fiber the Pygoras produce. It is also important to note that, just like Nigerian dwarf goats, Nigoras are better milk producers and easier to raise than Angoras.

Mr. G and Jellybean, Life-Saving Reunion Between Goat and Burro
Points To Note
It is evident that you have a range of 4 miniature goats from which to choose. However it would be helpful to have more than one type for diversification, considering that goats are herd animals in nature and thrive better in a group.
You can castrate male goats to make them more docile and prevent them from releasing an awful smell. Seek help from a veterinarian to conduct the operation. Castrating the males also regulates the number of goats you will have in your home as the males become infertile.
“4 Types Of Miniature Goats You Would Want As A Pet
Author Bio: Mary Alusin Costmentor.com
4 Types Of Miniature Goats You Would Want As A Pet Share on X

Do you have goats? (I used to, but not anymore.)
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I have silky goats with Spot the dog being a bottle baby. Everyone loves playing with him and we do get strange looks when I put diapers and cloths on him and take him downtown.
I love all these cute little goats
My wife is set on having one or two (or more) Pigmy Goats for pets. How is their temperament? Do they get along with dogs and cats? I have an Alaskan Husky, an Australian Shepard and a cockatoo. Also in the mix are three Siamese mix cats. Ideally they would all get along!
Craig K. From Indiana
My guess is that none of these goats could be survive on their own in the sort of weather common to southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois; would that be correct? We don’t seem to have enough deer left in our area to keep the road sides trimmed anymore.
Hi. Where does a person purchase a pet goat? Live in michigan, ideas??
I live in Redding Ca. Right now the city will only let you have pot bellied pigs, chickens (Hens only). I would like to be able to have a Pygmy goat to keep the grass and brush down on my property. do you have any helpful ideas in changing the cities view? I don’t know where or how to start. I have an acre with 7′ chain link fence completely around my property.
No crowing roosters, huh? I personally love that sound, but I guess I can see their point. I don’t really have any idea how you would go about changing city rules. I guess you could start with wherever you found out you could have pot-bellies and chickens. I’m in Michigan. Years ago, when I still lived in the city, I brought home a pot-bellied pig and then anonymously called+ the Police to find out if it was legal or not. They told me they had no idea! So I just kept a low profile and didn’t have any problems. One would think with a 7′ chain link fence on an acre would be quite suitable for a goat. I had 13 of them at one time (in the country now. They were full-sized Alpine goats and I had to milk them twice a day. Anyway, good luck to you! Peace
Thanks for your nice Information
The Kinder goat is a cross between a Nigerian Dwarf buck and a Nubian doe. The mini Nubian is a cross between a Pygmy buck and a Nubian doe. Please correct your post