15 Great Dog Breeds to Have as a Pet
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Are you thinking about getting a dog but can’t make up your mind what type you’d like to have? What are your requirements? Do you need a dog that is laid back or one that can be as active as you are? Is this dog meant to live with a senior citizen, or one that will be around children? What traits do you have in mind — friendly? smart? loyal? watchdog? curious? Perhaps this “15 Great Dog Breeds to Have as a Pet” infographic will help you out and give you a running start. It can sometimes help if you have something in mind. Even if you aren’t planning on getting a particular dog breed, some of these traits will still be present in mixed breeds.
Related: 10 Best Dog Breeds for Home Defense
This infographic was created by Canada Vet Express
Did this help? What are your favorite dog breeds? Mine is the German Shepherd, hands down. Here is a photo of my Star. I lost her 2 years ago to bone cancer and hardly a day goes by that I don’t think of her. She was 13 years old.

Do you have a favorite dog breed?
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Love my GSD, she’s my shadow. A little rambunctious around grand kids but makes everyone happy to love her. She’s got some peculiarities but that’s some of the fun, not perfect but always makes me smile.
Oh, I hear you, Sal. I love my GSD puppy too, but she’s a crazy person. She’s only a little over 4 months old now, so we have a very long road ahead of us. 😉 Thanks for stopping by Animal Bliss. Peace
They missed the retired racing Greyhound. There’s no more laid back, people worshiping, adaptable breed on the planet. They arrive in your home leash trained, often completely house-trained (even though they’ve never seen stairs or glass doors or hardwood floors.) would love an article about them!
Cindy, your response makes me want to get to know a Greyhound. They sound like the perfect dog. I’m sure they would also be forever grateful and devoted to their new owners too, now that they don’t have to race anymore. Thanks for the heads-up. I will do some research on the breed and feature them on my blog. Take care! Don’t be a stranger, now.
Yeah. I had no idea what I was getting into when I took on the responsibility of a Dachshund (I inherited Chester) but, luckily, I like a challenge so it worked out. I am not sure I would have chosen a dog whose first personality characteristic is “tenacious”. I always have to be on alert when we go anywhere because they are always “busy bodies” and getting into everything. I joke with my Doxie-owning friend; “If we wanted an easy dog, we should have gotten a lab.” Ha, ha. They also need way more exercise than people expect (because they are small) to maintain a healthy weight and keep them better behaved.
“Busy bodies …” Sounds like my little grandson. He needs constant attention too. I’m happy to have learned a little bit about the Dachshund from you. They sound pretty unique. Maybe I’ll have to do some research and write a post on that breed. (Unless you want to guest post …) Haha. No pressure. Just askin’. Ciao for now.
I was happy to see a Dachshund on the list. I am also happy that they did slip one “negative” in there about needing constant attention. I love the breed a lot but they certainly aren’t for everyone.
Well, that’s great that they mentioned that Dachshunds need constant attention. I did not know that. I guess I’ve never known one, come to think of it. They sure are cute though. (I love the name of your website.) Thanks for stopping by, Jessica! 🙂
I love the German Shepard breed. I remember when they were on the list of dogs not ideal as a family pet. Things have changed so much. I am glad they are no longer looked at in that same light. I use to have a German Shepard named Ty Styx. he stood as tall as me on all fours. I love seeing them as a large dog.
The German Shepherd is my favorite too, hands down. I lost my Star two years ago to bone cancer. She was the greatest dog. She was such a smart, loyal, and gentle baby. She was 13 when she died. Yes, I remember too, when Shepherds were getting a bad rap. I don’t see too many of them around here. “Ty Styx” What a cool name. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog, Sandy. Peace